Chapter 18

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{ Harry's POV }

I sighed as Avery tried to convince me I could tell her anything. Sure, she says that now, but I'm sure she has no idea the severity of what I'm about to tell her.

"It's kind of a long story." I tell her, forcing myself not to laugh. Hell yeah it's a long story, it's the story of my whole fucking life. It's what's turned me into such an asshole, as much as I hate to admit it.

She prompts me to continue, and I force myself to look away from her beautiful eyes. It makes me feel even more guilty than I already do. I don't deserve her, and she doesn't deserve me keeping this from her if, by some miracle, she decides to stay with me.

"I killed my sister." I blurt out. I risk a glance at her and see her eyes wide open and her mouth agape with shock.



Two years ago...

"I'm off to work, bye Mum." Gemma announced and hugged my mum as I was doing homework at the kitchen table. I only had one more assignment to do before I was done, then I could go to Ian's house.

"I need the car tonight." I spoke from across the kitchen.

Me and Gemma shared a car, and it was the most frustrating thing ever. She was a few years older than me, but she still lived at home. Our parents told us if we wanted a car of our own, we'd have to share. So we did. And it sucked.

She always had work at the coffee shop downtown or wanted to go out with her friends, and I always wanted to hang out with my own friends.

"Then drop me off at work and you can have it." Gemma told me. This is how it usually went, we'd alternate dropping the other off where they wanted to be and take the car for the night.

"Let me finish this." I said and focused back on the book in front of me.

"No Harry, I need to go now. My shift starts in fifteen minutes, and it'll take ten to get there. I'm not going to be late again."

"Figure it out, you two." My mum said before kissing my sister's cheek goodbye and leaving the kitchen. "Have a good night at work."

"Come on, let's go." Gemma prompted, her handing gesturing toward the door.

"Okay, okay." I finished the problem I was on and decided I would just finish the rest tomorrow. Ian's house was right by the coffee shop Gem worked at, and Macy was already there, so the homework could wait.

I grabbed my jacket and took the keys from her, and we both headed out for the car. I started the engine as soon as we got in, and backed out on the road.

"When are you moving out?" I asked my sister, only half teasing. I was sixteen and she was nineteen, attending a local university. We were pretty close, but I hated that she still lived at home because she hogged the bathroom, and we had to share this car.

She laughed and pulled down the sun visor to look at the mirror while she applied her lip glass. "You love that I still live at home. You'd be lost without me, little bro."

"Yeah," I say sarcastically. "Maybe you could buy your own car then?"

"Or you could? This was my car before you got your license." She has a point.


I turned up my music as I turn onto a busier road, and Gemma typed away on her phone, probably texting her damn boyfriend. He was a dumb ass, but for some reason she loved the guy.

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