Chapter 31

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It’s past midnight by the time I get to Tempe. I pull into Cassidy’s driveway and call her to tell her I’ve finally arrived. She meets me at my car in less than a minute, and the tears are back just as fast. I’ve missed my best friend, and I’m eager to catch up with her, and vent to her about everything that’s been going on in my life lately.

She ushers me to her room so we can talk. I’m grateful she knows me well enough to tell that what I need is to vent, and sleep is the last thing on my mind.

I tell her all about my current drama, leaving nothing out. She listens to me without interrupting, and I’m practically out of breath by the time I finish. Life should not be this complicated, I think to myself.

“Wow, Ave… I’m sorry.” Cassidy moves to pull me into a hug. “You can stay here as long as you need to, you know that.”

“Thanks, Cass,” I sniffle.

“I’m sorry for asking, but what about Harry? Did you guys break up… or what?”

I cringe at the mention of his name. “I don’t really know. He got so angry when I told him I wanted to come back here. He was yelling and breaking things… I ended up telling him I’d only stay a week. I’m an idiot Cass. I can’t go back there.”

She takes a deep breath. I’m sure she thinks I’m selfish for lying to him, but she knows better than to call me out on that right now. “Do you still love him?”

“Yes,” I say without hesitation. “I always will, but right now, I can’t be what he needs. I need to figure my shit out and get past this all.”

My sore throat becomes dry from all of the talking, and I cough. Why must I be sick on top of all of this? Harry was right, I probably made myself sick from the lack of sleep.

“I understand… Well honestly I don’t. Avery I’m so sorry you have to go through all this, and I wish I could be more help, but I’ve never been through any of this. If there’s anything I can do, tell me. I’m here for you.”

“You’re doing more than you know, Cass, so thank you. I just think it was best for me to get out of there. For now, at least.”


We fall asleep around four in the morning, and I don’t wake up until my phone begins ringing over and over again. I finally look at the clock on Cassidy’s room to see that it’s two in the afternoon. I probably should be getting up anyway.

Miraculously, Cassidy is still out cold. God, that girl has always been a heavy sleeper. Figuring that if my ringing phone hadn’t woken her up, then my voice won’t, so I answer my cell, not even thinking to check and see who it is.

“Hello?” I answer. My voice sounds shot from my cold.

“Avery, it’s me Anne,” her voice is frantic and full of panic. “I’m sorry for calling you like this, but it’s Harry—“

“What is it, Anne?” I ask, forcing myself not to jump to any conclusions.

Just as Anne begins babbling on incoherently, Cassidy starts to wake up. She rubs her eyes and gives me a questioning look as if to ask, who’s on the phone. 

I put my hand over the speaker of my cellphone to tell Cassidy who’s calling, but then I hear the five words that make my world begin to crash down.

Harry’s been in an accident,” 

Anne’s cries take over, but my hearing and sight feels like it’s vanishing. The phone falls to my lap. My mind and body goes numb. I should ask her if he’s okay… what happened… when it happened… if she’s okay… but I can’t move. I can’t speak.

I’m vaguely aware of Cassidy taking the phone from my lap and speaking into it. I’m unsure of what she says, but she begins to rub my back while she talks to Anne.

Once she finally hangs up, she gets up and begins packing all of my things back into my bag.

“Avery, we’re going to go to San Diego. Can you get up?” She asks me, making sure I’m okay.

I shake my head. I’m in shock. It has to be bad if Cass is telling me we have to go back.

“You have to get up, Ave. Come on, put this on. I’ll drive.” She hands me a sweatshirt before continuing to pack for me and herself.

“Cassidy, you don’t have to do this. You’ll miss school.” Ask her what happened… 

“I’ll be fine,” she promises me. “Let’s get in the car, it’s a long drive.”

I nod and with the motion, tears spill from my eyes and trail down my cheeks. I think I’ve cried more in the past week than I have in my entire life.

“He’s going to be okay,” Cassidy whispers and pulls me into a hug when she notices my cries.

“Wait, he’s okay?” I look at her, eagerly awaiting her response.

Cassidy cringes. “The accident was bad, Avery. He’s in critical condition, but I know he’ll get through this. He needs you.”

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