Chapter 10

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Prepare yourself.


Harry didn’t want me hooking up with Christian? 

What the hell! I mean, at some level I had to have noticed that Harry has feelings for me… but enough to go far as making sure I don’t hook up with anyone? I don’t know what to feel right now… Happy, angry, confused?

I settle on anger. I told him we couldn’t take it any further than friendship and he agreed. That doesn’t give him the right to dictate who or who I don’t hook up with. I understand why he would feel the need to do what he did if he truly has feelings for me because I feel the same damn way every night he brings over one of his sluts! But I don’t do anything about it—it’s his life, and I have no say in what he does… even if I wish I did.

Sitting here in my room isn’t going to solve anything; I know I need to go and talk to Harry at some point in time. We need to figure this shit out before my head explodes, because this back and forth is slowly eating me away. I finally get off my bed and go to the bathroom to collect myself. I splash cold water on my face and prepare myself to finally figure out whatever is going between Harry and I.

I almost psych myself out of confronting Harry when I get to his bedroom door, but then I hear something that makes my heart race even more than it already was…

Yes, Avery… Fuck yes baby.” 

I press my ear against the wooden door to confirm my assumption, and my stomach tingles with pure female satisfaction when Harry groans my name again.

I push open the door with a newfound confidence, and find exactly what I had expected— Harry laying on his bed with his jeans at his ankles, his eyes clenched shut as his hand works himself. As soon as he sees me, he curses under his breath and pulls his pants up.

“What the fuck, Avery! Does it kill you to knock?” He yells angrily.

I’m still shocked at what I found, but I’ve come to realize exactly what I’ve wanted to know all along. I know what needs to happen now, and I’m not pushing him away this time.

“You said I didn’t have to knock.” I remind him of what he told me just last week.

He stands up and motions for me to leave as he stands by the door. “Get out.”

“What were you doing, Harry?” I know damn well what he was doing, but I want to hear him say it.

His head drops back so he’s looking at the ceiling. “Nothing.”


His hands grip in his hair and he sighs at the ceiling before looking directly at me. “You know what I was doing.”

“Why were you doing it?”

“Fuck Avery! Isn’t it obvious! Because…” He stops himself and looks away from me. “Because I want you Avery. Because I’ve always wanted you.”

After his confession, I’m speechless. Everything I had planned to say in my had disappeared, and all I can think of is how much I want him. How much I hate myself for trying to deny these feelings I have for him when he obviously feels the same why. I realized I didn’t want Hayden to kiss me, and I wasn’t going to hook up with Christian because I wanted it to be Harry that I kissed.

We stand there looking at each other for God knows how long before I finally step closer to him. “I’ve wanted you too.” I whisper.

I barely register his sharp intake of breath before my mouth is on his and my legs are wrapped around his waist.

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