Chapter 26

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{ Harry’s POV }

“What the hell’s your problem, man? You’ve been fucking sulking since you got here.” Louis sneers at me when I throw my x-box controller across the room after losing to him in a round of Halo.

I choose not to answer and get up to go grab a beer from his dad’s stash of expensive pale ale's in the basement fridge.

“Avery’s not givin’ it up?”

“Shut the fuck up.” I snap as I twist the cap off the bottle.

“Are you really not getting laid? I thought you said you guys have done it…”

“First of all, you have no idea what you’re talking about; Avery and I’s sex life, which happens to be none of your business, is perfect. Second of all, shut the hell up and drop it. I’m fine.”

Louis laughs and grabs his own beer. “All right, bro. Chill. But there’s obviously something bothering you. What’s up?”

“It’s nothing. Just a lot on my mind lately.” Like the fact that my girlfriend wants to spend less time with me. 

“Talk to me, Haz. Come on, we’re best friends. You know you can tell me anything.”

I groan and scrub my face with my hands. This whole week has been shit, and I just want to drink all of my feelings away for a night. That’s what I was planning on doing while Avery has all of her friends sleeping over at our house, but now Louis wants to play Dr. Phil, and I know he’s not giving up until I give in.

"Avery thinks we’re moving too fast.”

Louis gapes at me, and takes a long drink of his beer to buy himself some time to think. “What the hell does that mean?”

“That’s what I said. Apparently she thinks we spend too much time together. Isn’t that what couple are supposed to do? Spend fucking time together?”

“Well, you guys do live together… I can see why she might feel like she needs space. And you are always together and doing shit. Didn’t you say you guys slept in the same bed every night?”

“We did up until last week…” And now I can’t sleep at all. 

“But she doesn’t want to break up?”

“No. Well that’s what she says. I just don’t fucking know anymore.” I take a swig of my beer and quickly realize I’m gonna need something a lot more strong to take care of this empty feeling.

“She loves you, Haz. A blind person could see that. I think you’re thinking way too much about this. Girls are always emotional and confusing, just do what she says.”

“I know that, but it fucking sucks,” I admit. “It’s not fun distancing myself from her.” And I sound like a pussy. 

“It’s not the end of the world, man. Give her what she wants, and I know she’ll realize it’s not really what she wants. You’re still dating, and you’re still fucking, so I don’t see why you’re so depressed.”

“It’s not just about the sex, Louis,” I snap at him. “I love her, and… just forget it, you don’t understand.”

“All right, fine.” He holds up his hands in surrender. “But quit sulking so we can go to Nialler’s place and get fucked up. I just bombed my chem test today and I’m in dire need of a drink. Enough of this pussy shit.” Louis holds his dad’s expensive IPA up.

“Let’s go,” I agree as I stand up. I’ll just have to deal with these fucking problems in the morning.


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