Chapter 24

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another update bc last one was short.. again..

ily enjoy.


I lay wide awake in my bed, contemplating this whole situation. I left Harry’s room an a few hours after he fell asleep because I just couldn’t lay there. It’s not that I don’t love him, it’s the fact that this is all overwhelming me, and I feel too young and unready to be feeling this way about someone. The things I’m feeling are too much for me to make sense of.

I must’ve eventually drifted of, because I’m woken by the familiar feeling of Harry’s lips on mine. I slowly open my eyes to adjust to the light, and confirm that it is Harry laying next to me.

“I was worried when I woke up and you weren’t there. Why did you leave me?” He asks immediately.

“I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t want to wake you. I came in here to read my book and I must’ve fell asleep.” I lie. Just tell him the truth, Avery. He’ll never slow down if you don’t tell him he’s moving to fast. 


I nod and move to get out of bed. It’s already ten in the morning, and I’m not spending my whole Sunday in bed.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m just going to take a shower.” I explain to him and continue towards the bathroom. Moments after turning the water on, I hear Harry’s room door shut.

Don’t push him away. 


“Morning kiddo, sleep well?” My dad asks as soon as I get into the kitchen.

I nod as I grab a banana from the fruit bowl on the counter and sit across from him at the table. “Is it okay if I sleep over at my friend Brynn’s house tonight? We have a project we need to work on, and it’ll probably take all day.”

Dad looks up from the newspaper he’s reading and looks at me. “You’ll be at school on time tomorrow?”

“Yeah.” I nod.

“Okay then, I don’t see why not. When are you heading out?”

“Soon.” I inform him. “We have a lot of work to do.”

“Sounds good.” He nods. “Oh, and it’s Anne’s birthday on Wednesday, but I want to have a family dinner tomorrow for her because I’m surprising her on her actual birthday and taking her to Paris. You’ll be back to join us?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there.”

“Great. I have reservations at her favorite place downtown at seven.”

“Okay. Well I’m just gonna go grab my stuff then head out. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I inform Dad and return to my room to grab my bag that I’ve already packed.

Once I get into my car and pull out my phone to type find directions, I jump when someone taps on my window. My hand grips at my chest over my heart, but to my relief, it’s only Harry standing there in the garage.

I roll down the window. “Where are you going?” He frowns.

“Sorry.. I uh, I thought you went back to bed so I was just going to text you. I’m going to Brynn’s to work on a project.”

Stop, Avery. Tell him the truth. 

“When will you be back?”

“I’m sleeping over. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

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