Chapter 30

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{ Harry’s POV }

It’s been one week since David left, and things around here have most definitely changed. I was hoping that with his absence, it would be easier for Avery to move on, but she’s only become worse; she’s very distant from me and everyone else, and I know it’s because she’s still dwelling about what happened with her douche-bag of a father. And it’s almost as if she’s depressed. I’ve been trying to everything and anything I can to get her back to her old self, but nothing’s working. I refuse to give up though; I’ll be her rock through this tough time.

It was also hard for Avery to see my mum upset after David left. Avery expressed to the both of us that she thinks it’s all her fault my mum kicked David out, but my mum assured her here was a lot more going on than what she knew.

My mum on the other hand was also a bit down since last week. She knew it was for the best to break things off with David, but she was upset nonetheless. Despite the women in my life going through a tough time, I’d be lying if I said this whole situation gave me some hope… Now that my mum and David had called off the engagement, all I could think about was finally being able to be a public couple with Avery—no more hiding or sneaking around, just us against the world… but of course Avery disagreed as soon as I brought the topic up on Thursday evening. She had told me she didn’t think it was a good idea, that we should at least wait a little just in case our parents got back together. She was probably right though, there's so much going on right now, maybe it is best for us to wait. I had agreed, because I didn’t want to press the topic when she was already so beaten down.

On Sunday, exactly seven days after her father left, Avery literally began to feel sick. I think she became so upset with the situation that she made herself ill. I felt terrible for my girl, having a terrible cold while dealing with all this shit her father put on her… My poor baby… 

She stayed home from school Monday and had called the doctor’s office to set up an appointment. I had told her I was staying home with her and would take her to her appointment, but she insisted I go to school. I’d stayed home with her last Monday through Wednesday after everything went down and she was too shaken up for school, so she told me I shouldn’t be missing anymore classes for her.

It was hard leaving her that Monday before school, but I was strong for her. I couldn’t be anything shy of that. I needed to be there for her, and I wouldn’t be much help if I wasn’t the shoulder she could lean on.


I was sketching random tattoo designs in my notebook as some lame movie played in the front of the room during my economics class. I was restless thinking about Avery all alone at home. I wanted to know if she was okay, how her doctor appointment went, and if she needed anything…

It was like she knew what I was thinking that moment: my phone vibrated in my pocket, and when I pulled it out, her name flashed across the screen telling me I had a text from her.


From: Avery

Just got back from the doctor… they weren’t sure what I have, so they just gave me so antibiotics to help with the nausea. had to get blood drawn :/


I cringed at her text… I know she hates needles. I should’ve been there for her.


To: Avery

I’m sorry baby :( are you feeling any better? Do you want me to stop anywhere after school to get you anything?

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