After finishing our sleeping with one of us awake at all times, we set out again. We were going at a very good pace and had just reached the 75% mark on the mountains. Every 25% of the mountain all the contestants have to sign a spread sheet. They were stationed around the entire mountain. At the 50% mark Max and I were in 4th which was awesome. I never thought I would even be alive at this point in the game. By the time we see the spread sheet we are in third place, passing only the two girls that we had thrown spears at.
Since we were fully rested we decided that we would walk till 9Pm. As nine o'clock drew closer so did the darkness and the howling and snarling just got louder. It was so scary we stopped a little past 8 o'clock which was still pretty late.
Max was supposed to be on first watch but he fell asleep right as the tent was set and we were in our sleepingbag.
We woke up at the crack of dawn since neither one of us had been on watch. We had already climbed 4 miles by 8 o'clock and we were making great time.
Soon enough we could hear voices from another team. We were going to take 2nd today! As we walked along, the voices got louder and louder and soon we could hear the entire conversation. After a little more walking we could see them. They had their tent set up right in the middle of a clearing. They were both in their tent so we decided to light it on fire. With the matches we had taken from the other tent we lit the whole tent in flames. The people inside fled the tent and ran. They screamed and howled in pain about their burns. We hurried on not wanting to be caught in the fire.
That night we actually used the one person on watch technique. It was very successful and I got just enough sleep. The only problem was that we got a late start.
Max and I were about 95% done with climbing the mountain.
When we set up camp again we could see smoke coming from ahead us. Tommorow would be the last day and everyone would be fighting for the lead.
Max and I also found a river flowing upstream that we used to fill up our water jugs.
The next day we got up at 5am and sprinted down the path passing where the smoke had been last night. We were running alongside the river because the trail went that way, when a boat which was being paddled and swept up by the current flew past us. I feared that we might be passed again so Max and I took thick vines and tied them together making a harness. With the harness we could climb up the rocky face of the Volcano without any fear. We were making AMAZING time and were inside the volcano in 2 hours. There were already two groups in the volcano looking for diamonds. Max and I started looking too. In the bottom of the volcano were blocks of gold and silver, plates, knives, swords, and everything else expensive. It would be like heaven exept we weren't allowed to take anything but diamonds. After about 20 more minutes of searching one of the other groups who beat us here finds a large diamond inside the plating of armor. After more minutes of sifting through stuff I decide that I should dive down beneath the surface and into the riches. As I go down and to my right, I see a shimmer of light that catches my eye. I move towards it grabbing it. When I come out of the treasure and up to the surface I find that I have a diamond the size of both my palms combined. I show Max, overjoyed we run to the elevator. With a wooshing sound the elevator takes us down to where food, water, and the announcer are all waiting.
Treasurer Hunter
AventuraThe first part of the story is terrible but it gets better so just keep reading. A game show were people kill get killed and get elimenated. Ya you could say it is tuff. But the three winning teams will get fame...