Chapter 12: The waterfall..... Finally

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*I have written so many chapters that are waterfall in this story like the wolves and the chapter Complication but no need to fret it is finally here* author *pants*

Katie's point of view

Nobody else is awake. Everyone is blacked out exept me and Max and Rhiannon who is still sleeping. We both are cold from all the rain. All the dead body of the careers were already taken away. We killed 4 and 1 got away. The girl who almost killed me was the sole survivor. I sat up and talked to Max. Halfway through the conversation I was so tired I had to dunk my head in the creek to feel unsleepy. I screamed shocked at how cold it was. But The cold water woke me up Immidietly and apparently Rhiannon. She sat up at my scream. Groggily she wiped her eyes. Soon everyone was awake. We start getting ready putting on our packs and eating a quick breakfast. We are already moving towards the waterfall within 10 mjns. I am even suprised by how fast we are.

After hiking ju st an hour I can already see the giant waterfall looming ahead of us. We keep on going getting closer and closer. By now we had already gotten out of the woods and had entered a long meadow exept this one just had wheat miles of wheat.

It made walking seem like we did more and got less. We just walked but it felt like thee was always a mile ahead of us. But turning around you couldn't even see the beginning of the wheat meadow. Step after step after step after step after......... Yes. Finaly no more steps. I collapsed to the ground right at the end of the meadow on to nice moist dirt. I was planning on staying on the ground but another BOOM!! Got me up. Another tribute dead. This round there had been countless deaths. I got up from the ground. This round there had been countless deaths. I got up from the ground. We started walking again. In my head I tallied the deaths. There was already 18 deaths and eliminations from both rounds. I crawled the rest of the way because it was to exhausting to even stand. Luckily it wasn't much longer. I was still crawling when I felt my head plunge underwater. I quickly swam to the surface all my tiredness gone, I has fell right in to the water around the waterfall.

I ran up onto land and grabbed Max and pulled him in. We swam to the other side of the actual water falling. Behind it was a large chest. We pulled it into the water and swam to land easily carrying the chest.

Max point of view

I am only focused on one thing, opening the chest to avenging what my best friend died for. I move blocks around trying to get the pattern. I try every single pattern but then I see a tiny microscopic hinge. I slide the hinge and reveal a tiny inscription.

"Look to the Earth." was all it read. What kind of riddle is that. Could it be just as simple as that look at the bottom of the box? And that is exactly what I did. Right in the bottom was a little key hole with the word "Water" underneath. The key was underwater.

I dive down only me and Jake looking for the key. I dig in the sand look in reefs and nothing. Jake looks into the little crevasses. Still we come up empty handed. I swim up and gasp for air before diving back down. This time I find something or at least Jake finds something. A triangle with a eye in the middle. We start digging around the sides and uncover a triangular chest. Jake hauls it up to the land were everyone else is waiting. I greedily open the chest by tapping the three points then the center of the eye and reveal 4 large emeralds one for each team. Jake, Rhiannon, Me, and Sarah and Katie.

We each grab one. I get the largest then Sarah's team then Jake, and then Rhiannon. No one complains because me Katie and Sarah have been on this mission the longest. Right then the ground beneath us crumbles causing everyone to fall in the 'hole.' Which is a actually were the One other team that has got the emerald is waiting along with piles of food and drinks. We wait for a full week and a half in paradise with arcade games, ping pong, basketball courts, everything. Until all the teams finally show. Since there was so many deaths no one was eliminated but we still got ranks. First was Max, second was the team before us, third was Katies team, fourth Jake, and 5th was the two teens. The only reason Rhiannon got 7th was she did bad in round one. We see that the career got 6th clarifying it wasnt her cannon that went off it was her victum's cannon. 19 tributes are dead or eliminated. Only 16 remain and they changed it from 3 teams winning two 4 people winning. The next challenge though is apparently the easiest. But they split the teams up so that there is no more teams.

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