do you like me?

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2 A.M KST, SM Ent Dance Studio

It is past midnight and you went to SM's dance studio to practice the dance for 'Growing Pains'. Why? Because you fell sick and wanted to catch up with the other dancers for 'Growing Pains' MV and performance. You were the only one in the dance studio as there was no dance practice for today. You kept on practicing and practicing, ignoring the fact that you were still having slight fever.


"Eh? Isn't this D&E's song? There is no schedule today! Don't tell me... there's a ghost?! In the studio?!" Donghae thought as he walked past the dance studio you are in. Being the curious him, he opened the door slightly and quietly. Donghae heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing you in the dance studio. "Phew! Thank god! But... what is she doing here? Isn't she sick?!!" Donghae slowly walked into the dance studio. You were too engrossed in the dance that you hadn't realized he came in until he spoke.

"Ya!" Donghae called out and you immediately stopped dancing and bowed at him. "Donghae? Why are you here?" You turned to him and questioned him since there was no schedule today and well, you expected no one would pass by of course. "I came to pick up something. What about you? Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be resting?" Donghae asked you back. "I'm feeling better now so I came to practice the dance for 'Growing Pains'." You answered with a smile. Donghae walked towards you and touched your forehead, making you flinched at his sudden skinship. "Uh-uh. You're still having fever. You should go home and rest (Y/N)." Donghae said and looked at you with concern. "It's okay. The shooting of MV has already been postponed. I should practice harder. You know me Donghae." You turned and walked towards the spot you were dancing before Donghae came in.


"(Y/N)?" Donghae walked towards you and held your arms.

"I'm really fine, Donghae." You said and turn away when he spoke again.

"Do you like me?"

"No" You answered him with your back facing him. You and Donghae were the closest friend ever since you first joined SM as a dancer for Super Junior, even before they debuted. You have a crush on him ever since then too.

"You are lying" Among Super Junior, Donghae knows you best and you weren't a good liar. He knew you liked him as much as how much he liked you.

"No" You repeated.


"What if I said I like you?" Donghae spoke again.

"No! That's impossible" You shot back.

"What if I did and I still do?" This time, Donghae walked behind you and hugged you from behind. You froze but still replied him.

"You must be joking Donghae. I'm just your best friend and an ordinary danc-" Donghae turned you and cut you off. He crushed his lips on yours. You wanted to push him away but couldn't. He was too strong and the fact that you love him made it worse. It took you moments to process what he was doing and you finally reacted and kissed him back.


"Ya! Didn't you say you don't like me?" Donghae asked you after the two of you pulled away from the kiss.

"You asked me if I LIKE you" You answered him, stressing the word 'like'.

"Okay... Do you LOVE me then?" He asked, emphasizing the word 'LOVE'.

"No." You answered and looked at his reaction. You loved teasing him. He pouted making you laugh at his cuteness.

"Stop being stubborn, will you? Just admit it." Donghae looked at you after realizing you were teasing him.

"Aren't you stubborn as well? Just stop asking me to go home." You shot back at him again. Both of you laughed and resumed back to kissing again.



"I love you."

"I know. I love you too."


A/N: Sorry if it's boring HAHAHA! just a random story I thought of ㅋㅋㅋ

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A/N: Sorry if it's boring HAHAHA! just a random story I thought of ㅋㅋㅋ

Hope you guys like it though ^^>

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