party #HappyDonghaeDay • ft. Eunhyuk

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a #HappyDonghaeDay special •
~ ft. Eunhyuk ~


"(Y/N)-ah!" You were packing your stuffs when you heard someone called out to you. It was Hyukjae, one of the school's heartthrob, approaching you with his gummy smile.

"Yes?" You looked up at him.

"Are you free now?" You gave a light nod.

"Great!" Hyukjae clasped his hands together, "Today's Donghae's birthday, would you like to come over to Donghae's place for the party?" You were about to reject when he continued, "Please?", looking at you with his puppy eyes and a pout. You hated parties and crowds but you gave in and nodded.

"Cool! I'll send you the address and since it's a casual party, you can wear anything you want, ok?" Hyukjae passed his phone to you as you keyed in your phone number.

"See you there (Y/N)!" You bid goodbye to Hyukjae and hurried home.

• »»----- ★ -----««

You stood outside Donghae's apartment and contemplated on whether to ring the doorbell or just walk away. Just as you were about to walk away, the door opened as you froze in your steps.

"(Y/N)! You are finally here! Come on in!" Hyukjae invited you in as everyone in the apartment scrutinised your choice of clothing. You were donned in a blue flannel shirt with an inner white tee, jeans and sneakers. You adjusted your black beanie and lowered your gaze, focusing on the ground.

Hyukjae took note of the change in your demeanour and leaned in closer to you. "Ignore them and follow me closely."

He held onto your wrist, leading you to the room down the corridor, walking past the crowd of people in the corridor.

Hyukjae knocked on the door and waited for a response.

The door opened, revealing Donghae as he looked at Hyukjae. "What's i-" Donghae stopped as he saw you behind his best friend.

"I've brought her here." Hyukjae gestured for you to enter the room.

"Thanks bro!" Donghae held onto your hand and led you into the room.

"Have a seat, (Y/N). I'll get you a drink, is earl grey tea alright for you?" You nodded and Donghae walked out of his room.

You gulped and scanned the room, holding onto the rim of your white tee. You couldn't help but wonder why did Donghae got Hyukjae to bring you here, especially when you have never spoken to either of them.

Donghae returned shortly after and handed you a drink, sitting beside you.

"Oh!" You placed the cup of drink onto the desk and fumbled in your bag for the gift you bought on the way to Donghae's apartment. "This is for you." You handed the paper bag to Donghae as he gladly took it and thanked you.

"You didn't have to get me any gift though. But I appreciate it." Donghae smiled and turned to you. "You can open the paper bag, Donghae. If you don't like it, I can change it to something else." You gestured for Donghae to open the paper bag. Donghae obliged and opened the paper bag, revealing a camera keychain.

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