dental love♡

838 16 2

Your POV

Hey Y/N! I will be slightly late! You go ahead first! I'll meet you there straight!

Your bestie texted you as you grabbed your keys, phone and bag, ready to leave the house and head to the place you dreaded going, the dental clinic.

You would go to the dental every 6 months and your bestie too, would always accompany you, sometimes drag you, knowing that you are scared and hated going because of the dental equipments.

~ At the dental clinic ~

You took a seat, waiting for your turn, and for your bestie to arrive. A good-looking guy took a seat next to you and waited for his turn. He turned to you and smiled. You smiled back at him and clasped your hands together, biting your lips as you were scared and waiting for your bestie. At this moment, your phone rang  it was a phone call from your Y/B/N.

"Hey! Where are you now?" You probed.

"What?! Are you serious?!" You exclaimed, and lowered down your voice when you realised everyone in the clinic glared at you.

"Alright then. See you another day then. Bye." You ended the call with Y/B/N and sighed. She called informing you that she is unable to accompany you due to last minute errands from her boss. What should I do? You thought and clasped your hands even tighter.

Donghae's POV

"What?! Are you serious?!" I turned to the girl sitting beside me. I could see her clasping her hands after she ended the call.

"Hey!" I casually said as she turned to me, still clasping her hands. "If you don't mind, I can accompany you? I'm actually kinda scared too." I shyly confessed. "Really? Thank you!" She kept thanking me as we waited for her turn.


~ after the dental appointment ~

"Hey," I hummed in response, "thanks again, for accompanying me!" She thanked me again. "You know you have thanked me umpteenth times right?" I commented as both of us laughed. "Wanna grab a cup of coffee?" I asked and turned to her. "Okay! My treat! Let's go to this cafe I frequent! It serves the best coffee!" She smiled at me. That's cute! I nodded and mentally facepalmed myself. What are you thinking Lee Donghae?! You just met her today! I ran to catch up with her, making our way towards the cafe she mentioned.

~ At the cafe ~

Your POV

"What would you like? I'll order for you!" I turned to Donghae and waited for his reply. "Hmm... a cup of americano? I will look for a seat for us. Thanks!" He smiled and walked off in search for a seat for 2. He sure is good-looking! Doubt he would fall for someone like me, ugly, timid, shy, quiet and clumsy and... WAIT! The hell am I thinking?! I smacked my forehead and walked towards the counter to order our drinks.

"Here you go!" I handed Donghae his cup of americano. "Wow! This is really good!" Donghae exclaimed and took another sip again. The both of us chatted and chatted for the next few hours. "Wow! I can't believe we have so much in common! Be it interests or habits!" Donghae checked his watch and looked up at me. "Should we head back? It is kinda late now." Donghae stood up as I packed my stuffs. We then left the cafe together, walking to the bus stop.


"Thanks again for today! And for sending me back home Donghae-ssi!" I bowed and waved goodbye to him, turning towards my apartment. 

"Hey Y/N!" I turned around and tilted my head.

"Do you perhaps want to meet up for another date sometime?" He smiled sheepishly and scratched his nape, walking towards me. "Ermm, is... is this a d- date? I mean for t- today?" I stuttered. "What do you think?" He smiled and ruffled my hair, then turning around, making his way home. "You have my number! I'll see you on our next date!" Donghae shouted as I stood there blushing and smiling to myself. I think I should thank Y/B/N for not turning up last minute? I laughed and walked to my apartment.

 I think I should thank Y/B/N for not turning up last minute? I laughed and walked to my apartment

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A/N: Hi guys! It's me w00n_j the ULTIMATE DONGHAE TRASH! HAAHAAHA

So... I was supposed to upload this oneshot on Donghae's birthday but well... the lazy-as-sloth me did not finish this up on that day itself, resulting in 2 days delay of this oneshot! But I hope you guys enjoyed it! I haven't wrote a oneshot for so long HAHA! Do comment, vote or share if you like it! Have an awesome week ahead!! :D

P.S.: I copied the entire thing from the old book without editing, pardon the spelling/grammar errors

: I copied the entire thing from the old book without editing, pardon the spelling/grammar errors

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