scar • ft. Xiao Zhan

218 4 3

✎ date started: 2019-06-08

✎ date posted: 2020-03-06

✎ date updated: N/A

It was another typical boring day as you entered the school compound. Skeptical looks could be seen the moment you entered, but you were unbothered because you are used to it. You kept walking until you hear a shout from somewhere near you.

"Here they are, teacher!" You pointed towards the direction where the shout came from. Soon after, a bunch of students ran past you, as some cursed at you. You ignored them and ran into the alley where the bunch of students came from.

"Are you okay?" You probed in concern as the boy gave a light nod and turned his face away from you. He hurriedly wore his mask and stood up, holding onto the wall for support. But he was a tad too late, you saw a bruise on his left cheek, and something above that bruise.

"You are coming with me to the infirmary." You held onto his arm but he pushed you away, "Leave me alone! I'll be fine!" He shouted.

You scoffed and took a step back, "You need to get your injuries treated and you are coming with me no matter what!" You pulled him along and headed for the school's infirmary.

"Sis~?" You entered the infirmary, looking around for your elder sister.

Her face lit up the moment she saw you, "What are you doing here?" She gave you a hug.

You shoved the boy in front of you, "He's injured. On the face, and I believe his arm as well. I'll head to class now." You replied coldly and exited the infirmary.

"Take a seat on the bed over there. I'll go get some medications for your wounds." The boy obliged and walked towards one of the beds.

Sooyoung, your elder sister works in your school's infirmary as a nurse. She took a chair and placed it near the bed before taking a seat in front of the boy. With a smile, she called out, "Hey," successfully gaining the boy's attention, "my sister may be a little too straightforward and cold but she cares. So bear with the pain for a bit, alright? I'll make sure your wounds get treated." The boy gave a light nod. However, he had a thought and that was, 'But you can't make the scar go away...', letting out a sigh and taking off the mask from his face.

3 hours later...

Taking 2 lunchboxes, you quickly made your way towards the infirmary to look for your sister.

You lightly knocked the door upon arrival and waited for a few good seconds before hearing your sister's voice.

"Sis, I brought your lunch." Setting down the lunchbox, you took a seat in front of her and looked around the room.

"He'll be fine, don't worry about it." Sooyoung remarked.

"Who said I was worried about that ungrateful jerk?" You deadpanned and stood up, taking two pieces of sandwiches.

"Take it, I don't want to see anyone starve to death in here where my sister works." You spoke nonchantly and placed the sandwiches on the empty plate on the side table by the bed.

The boy turned towards you as you walked back to where you sat.

15 minutes passed and you have finished your sandwich. Looking over at the boy, you noticed the sandwiches were left untouched and he was lying on the bed with his back facing you. You heaved a sigh and spoke, "Hey, aren't you eating?"

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