You're my fool, I'm your idiot • ft. MONSTA X Minhyuk

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✎ date started: ... 😅
✎ date posted: 2019-04-20
✎ date updated: N/A

a/n: hello to all readers! It's me, j.woon the author/writer of this book! I am currently on a writing hiatus but I decided to post an update on this special day as this book managed to hit 1K reads! Thanks for all the support and love given! Hope you guys will enjoy this update, and feel free to drop any feedback(s)! Have a great day/night ahead!♡♡♡

woon the author/writer of this book! I am currently on a writing hiatus but I decided to post an update on this special day as this book managed to hit 1K reads! Thanks for all the support and love given! Hope you guys will enjoy this update, and ...

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"Dad, mom, Jisoo-ya! Hello~!" Donghae greeted and joined the family of his bestie's at the dining table.

"Where's (Y/N)?" Donghae asked after realising you weren't at your seat for dinner. "She's working overtime and will be having her dinner at work, so it's just us, Donghae-ah." Your mom answered as he nodded with a pout.

You might be wondering why he called your parents the same way as you. It became his habit ever since you both were kids, and your parents didn't mind it at all. In fact, they were lowkey shipping you and Donghae!

30 minutes later...

"Thanks for the dinner mom!" Donghae beamed.

"You're always welcome!" Your mom replied and turned to Donghae, "Donghae-ah, can you fetch (Y/N) off from work? If that is alright with you? It is getting late and I'm worried about her safety." Donghae nodded and made his way to your office without hesitation.

'It's time to take action.' Your mom thought at the back of her head as she shook her head and laughed.

2 hours later...

At the office...

"You both have worked hard, I'll send you both home, especially (Y/N)!" Your boss informed and went back into his office to pack his stuffs after seeing Minhyuk and you agreed to his offer. Minhyuk is a colleague & a close friend of yours in the office. Both of you started packing up to leave the office.

"Minhyuk, (Y/N), I'll drive the car over, you both wait for me here, alright?" Both Minhyuk and you nodded as your boss left to retrieve his car.



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