dumb and dumber • ft. Eunhyuk

404 10 12

✎ date started: 2019-04-22

✎ date posted: 2019-05-14

✎ date updated: N/A

a/n: mentions of alcohol and curse words

Standing from afar, he hung his head low and covered his mouth in shock

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Standing from afar, he hung his head low and covered his mouth in shock. He quickly hid behind the pillar near him, being extremely cautious of his surroundings, afraid that his location would be exposed to her. Thankfully, she was too preoccupied to notice him.

Tears started blurring his vision soon after. He started sprinting towards the other direction, away from her, and towards a place he never expected himself to be at.

As he ran, he took out his phone that was kept in the back pocket of his jeans. Navigating to his call logs, two numbers were displayed at the top of his screen, his favourite contacts. He hesitated for a moment, before deciding to press his finger onto the second contact, ignoring the first contact. Hurt and guilt were evident on his face.

The other party picked up sooner than he had expected, which was a relief to him.

"I am on my way.", was all he heard before the call ended.

He plopped himself onto one of the high-chairs in front of the bar counter, ordering himself a Mind Eraser Vodka shot in hopes that it will help clear his mind, just like the name implies. Tears were still rolling down his cheeks uncontrollably. He held onto his chest and cried as hard as he could, holding onto the alcohol served to him just seconds ago.

He ordered another shot after downing the previous one in a matter of seconds.

"Coming right up!" The bartender informed as he nodded in acknowledgement.

"What happened?! You know you can't drink well!" His best friend's voice was heard from behind him.

"(Y/N) was right." He stated as his best friend took a seat beside him, looking utterly lost and confused.

Shaking his head at his friend's already drunk state, he turned to the bartender, "Orange juice for me, please. Thanks!" He couldn't drink when his best friend is in a state like this, and just because he had to drive his drunk buddy home.

"She dated me for my money and my looks!" He yelled and pointed at himself, "I should have listened to (Y/N). I am so dumb, ain't I right, Hyukjae?" He continued wailing and looked up at his best friend, laughing at his own stupidity.

"Yeah, but you are smart this time round. Come on, let's get you home." Hyukjae pulled out a few bills and placed them on the countertop. "Don't wanna waste the drink." Hyukjae took a few sips of his orange juice and commented as the bartender laughed.


Hyukjae tucked his drunk friend in bed and exited his room. He took out his phone and texted his other best friend.

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