snowball confession

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snowball confession

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"Finally! All done!" Donghae stretched his arms after finishing his homework and walked out of his room, in search for you.

"There you are! (Y/N)! Have you finished the homework?" Donghae flopped himself onto the couch, sitting right next to you, grabbing the bag of chips away from your hands. You nodded and hummed in response, watching your favourite drama, your eyes not leaving the TV screen.

"Really? You are watching (insert your fav drama title) again?!" Donghae frowned. "Shut up Donghae. This drama is as good as your favourite Titan!c movie, so let me finish it!" You took the bag of chips away from him and continued chowing down the chips. "Let's head out shall we? I'm bored." Donghae pouted.

"No can do!" You shook your head. "I'll accompany you tonight and watch this drama together, how about that?" You eyed him suspiciously as he held up his pinkie and pleaded you with his puppy eyes. "Fine!" You surrendered, unable to resist those puppy eyes, and hooked your pinkie with his. "Let's get changed and head out!" Donghae cheered and both of you stood up for a change of clothes.

5 minutes later...

"It's so beautiful!" You spoke in awe the moment both of you stepped out of the apartment building, admiring the view in front of you both. The snow has stopped falling and piled up along the beautiful streets. Everything looked like it's right out of a movie, a drama, it felt so surreal when suddenly something hit you...

on the face.

You turned to see the bubbly, cheerful, childish Donghae laughing away

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You turned to see the bubbly, cheerful, childish Donghae laughing away. You glared at Donghae and he gulped. "Snowball fight...?" He started throwing the snowballs he made at you. You ran to the nearest bush and hid behind, plotting your revenge on that childish boy.

"(Y/N), you can come out now, I'll stop throwing them at you. I SWEAR!" Donghae shouted. You peeked and stood up, calling out to Donghae. "Ya! Lee Donghae!" He turned and beamed at you. "You forgive m-" You threw the giant snowball you made and bulls' eye! It hit his face. Donghae fell backwards from the impact, and laid in the snow, yelping in pain. You laughed and ran towards him.

"Hey, you okay?" You chuckled as Donghae swept away the snow from his face. "Why don't I make a giant snowball and throw it at you?" Donghae stared at you. "You shouldn't have started it first!" You stuck out your tongue at him. "Come on!" You held onto Donghae's hand and tried to pull him up from the snow. Instead of letting you pull him up, he pulled you towards him and you fell onto his chest.


"Donghae?" You looked up at him, only to come in contact with his soft-looking eyes. You tried to stand up but he only held onto you tighter than before. "Let's stay like this for a while, can we?" You softly nodded and kept quiet, looking away from Donghae as you felt your face heat up.

No exchange of words, yet both of you could still hear the sound of hearts beating.

After what seemed like hours, you couldn't take it, it was too quiet. You let out a cough, hoping it could break the awkward atmosphere and Donghae would let you go. It doesn't seem like he would let go of you so you tried to move again.

"(Y/N)," Donghae called out and you froze, "don't move, just hear me out and I'll let you go, ok?" You nodded and laid your head onto his shoulder as he sighed.

"This probably sounds crazy, disgusting or even cringey but..." Donghae paused for a bit, "but... I.. I actually really liked you a lot, I don't even know when it started but I really do. You don't have to give me an answer, I just- I just wanted to get it off my chest and since I can't say these when you look at me so I had to do this. You can go now, (Y/N). I'll stay here for a bit more." Donghae lets go of his hand, waiting for you to stand up.


He waited for a few good minutes but no movements from you.

'Did she fall asleep when I confessed?!' Donghae thought and was about to poke you when you turned your head and shifted to peck his lips. You quickly stood up while Donghae froze, still processing on what had just happened.

"Did you just-" Donghae stood up and ran towards you, pulling you into a hug. "Y- You just did that right? And does that mean- we are official...?" He stuttered, making you chuckle.

"Yes I did, pabo-ya. And yes, we are official." You pulled away from the hug and smiled before giving him another peck on his lips. Donghae froze again and was about to pull you in for a kiss when...


You quickly ran away from Donghae as he shouted from behind you.

"YA! (Y/F/N)! HOW DARE YOU THROW THE SNOWBALL AT ME?! COME HERE!" Donghae ran after you as you kept running.


A/N: hey ELFs! It's me, j

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A/N: hey ELFs! It's me, j.woon (my pen name from now on)!!^^ I am back with another oneshot! Hope you guys enjoyed this^^ I got inspired by the video Shindong posted and had to write it down.

Drop your feedback(s) if any!^^

= j.woon outto ✌🏻 =

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