I'll be here • ft. Kyuhyun x OC

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I'll be here

~ ft. Kyuhyun x GiA (OC) ~


"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late!" Donghae giggled, greeting his 2 besties, Kyuhyun and GiA. "Where's (Y/N)?" Donghae looked around in search for you. "Didn't you see the groupchat? (Y/N) said she's got caught with flu." GiA questioned. Before Donghae gets to answer, Kyuhyun spoke up, "Jagi, is that even a question? You know hyung doesn't check his notifications!" making GiA laugh at her boyfriend's remark. Donghae glared at Kyuhyun but the latter ignored.

"Whatever! How is (Y/N)?! Have you called her GiA?" Donghae asked worriedly. "Yes I did, right after I saw her text, I called her. She keeps saying she is fine and told me not to worry. But hyung, you know (Y/N), I'm actually really worried." Both Kyuhyun and Donghae nodded in understanding. "Give me a while, I'll try calling to make sure she is really fine. If she isn't, you both can go ahead without me." Donghae walked further away from the two and took out his phone.


"(Y/N) said she's fine. Do you guys think so? I'm worried." Donghae asked after he ended the call with you. Kyuhyun smirked and was about to speak up when GiA nudged him. "Why don't we go for our movie first, then we will call her again later? Like do an hourly check on her?" GiA suggested as the other 2 nodded in agreement.

"Wait.." Donghae paused, "that makes me a gooseberry!" Donghae looked up to see his 2 friends have already left him behind. "Wait up guys!" Donghae ran after the couple to join them.


2 hours later (a.k.a after the movie)...

"Let's grab our late lunch?" Kyuhyun commented and GiA held his hand, agreeing. "Ermm guys?" The couple turned to Donghae who stopped in his tracks. "I think I should go. I'm still worried about (Y/N). You guys go ahead and enjoy your lunch! See ya!" Donghae sped off and left the mall, making his way to your apartment.

"Kyuhyun-oppa, do you think hyung will confess to (Y/N)?" Kyuhyun just shrugged. "That doesn't matter, we'll help if he doesn't." Kyuhyun smirked and winked. "Why do I have a boyfriend like you?" GiA sighed and walked away.


Donghae panted and stopped at the main lobby of your apartment. He pressed the elevator button but seeing the elevator on the 25th storey, he cursed and took the stairs instead.

Outside your apartment...

"Yeoboseyo (Hello)? (Y/N)? Are you really ok?" He called you over the phone as you hummed in response. "Ok then. Take care." He hung up and called the other number.

"Yeoboseyo? Weol-ah, it's me, Donghae hyung." He called as the other picked up the call. Weol, your younger sister replied, "Oh? Donghae hyung? What is it?"

"Is your eonnie ok? She said she got caught with flu but it doesn't seem like it to me. Tell me the truth Weol, no lies." Donghae said firmly and all he got was a sigh. "Hyung..." There was a slight pause before Weol continued, "actually we- we lost someone we looked up and adored just yesterday. We cried together yesterday but eonnie has been crying for hours since we got the news."

"What's the passcode of the apartment? I'll go check on her." Donghae probed.

"0325." Donghae thanked Weol and reassured her eonnie will be fine.

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