what's your take for 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓 𝒇𝒕. 𝑿𝒊𝒂𝒐 𝒁𝒉𝒂𝒏? 😊

138 1 2

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✎ date posted: 2020-03-30
✎ date updated: N/A
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helluuuuu everyone! It's me, j.woon 😊

I received a feedback on my previous update - Scar ft. Xiao Zhan requesting to have a part two for it. And I have been thinking about it as well so I would like your opinion(s) about it.

What do you guys think?

• leave it as open ending


• have a part 2 of the story

You can comment here, private message me or write on my wall about it!

I will be making a poll in another platform where I post my fics too, for more opinions 😊

Note: feedbacks will be closed on 4th April, 1 PM KST.

Thank you and have a nice day! 💙🥰

Thank you and have a nice day! 💙🥰

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[ j.woon outto ✌🏻 ]

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