here for you

354 6 9

✎ date posted: 2019-01-29
✎ date updated: N/A

╔═══════ ೋღ 🌹 ღೋ ═══════╗

here for you

╚═══════ ೋღ 🌹 ღೋ ═══════╝

Note: slightly linked to <I'll be here; ft. Kyuhyun & OC>

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


The sound of the doorbell rung and echoed throughout the apartment. The door swung opened as a guy stepped into the apartment.

“She’s in her room, Donghae-hyung.” You heard your younger sister said. With no thoughts of leaving your bed and your room, you tugged your blanket and pulled it over your head, ignoring the arrival of your boyfriend as he shouted your name.

Donghae gave a light nod and was about to make his way to your room when your younger sister held onto his wrist, “We need to get some stuffs for the New Year’s, can you stay with her, Donghae-hyung?”

Donghae smiled and patted your sister’s head, “This is why I’m here, you know you don’t have to ask, right?” He let out a light chuckle.

“We are counting on you, Donghae. Let’s go, Weol.” Your mother gave Donghae a hug, “We’ll see you for dinner tonight, Donghae.” Your mother stated and left the apartment with your sister.

Letting out a deep breath, Donghae strode across the living room and knocked on your door.

As he had expected, there was no response from you. “I’m coming in, (Y/N).” He announced and took a peek into your room before entering. Donghae sat on your bed and lightly patted your head. “(Y/N), I know you are awake, and I heard about what had happened. Wanna talk about it?” You sighed and shook your head, “Let me be, Donghae-oppa. I’ll be fine.” Your voice came out hoarse, all dried and sore from all the crying last night.

Donghae’s hand went under the blanket in search for your hands. You instantly felt better when his hand found yours, intertwining them together. “Let’s go out for a walk then?” You shook your head once again.

“(Y/N).”  He spoke sternly as his eyes stared at your form.

“I’ll be fine, I promise. Just let me be, okay?” You asked, trying to sound as polite as you could, and turned on your sides, back facing Donghae.

“You are going for a walk with me, (Y/N).” Before you could protest, you felt yourself being lifted up by a pair of strong arms. You were too tired to fight back so all you could do is to stay quiet. You buried your face into the crook of his neck and closed your eyes as he carried you bridal style into the living room.

Left with no choice, you slipped on your shoes and put on your hood. No way are you heading out in a state like this; puffy face, swollen eyes and dark circles under them. You were about to call out for your boyfriend when he appeared beside you, handing you a black mask, a pair of gloves and your black fur hood padded coat. You put them on with the help of your thoughtful boyfriend and you both are finally set to head out. Donghae intertwined your hand with his and beamed, attempting to liften up your mood, “Come on, let’s grab you something to eat before we go to the park.” He gave your hand a light squeeze and led the way out of your apartment.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

In a café…

Donghae sat down in front of you, placing the tray of food and drinks on the table.

“Dig in.” He grinned and pointed at the plate of spaghetti placed in front of you, handing you the utensils.

Your hand that held the spoon of spaghetti came to a halt in front of your mouth as you felt tears brimming in your eyes. Donghae caught on immediately, and rushed over to your side, putting the spoon away and pulled you into his embrace. He patted your back and spoke, “Let it out, (Y/N). I’m here with you, remember?” You shook your head and pried his arms away. “Can we head back home?” You looked up at your boyfriend. He obliged and stood up, “Wait for me, I’ll be right back.” He took the plate of spaghetti back to the counter and returned soon after with a plastic bag. He took your right hand in his left and led you out of the café.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

At your apartment...

You reluctantly finished the last bit of spaghetti and wiped your mouth with a tissue, leaning back onto the couch as you did so. Donghae looked at you with a smug expression and plopped himself beside you. “You are finally eating, thanks to yours truly!” Donghae remarked, heaving a sigh of relief.

You poked his sides, arousing laughter from him. “O- okay. I’m sorry! (Y/N), please stop!” Donghae squirmed, putting his hands up to surrender.

You stopped poking and smiled at his reaction. Donghae saw your smile and tackled you with his hug once again, “(Y/N), you finally smiled!” Donghae cheered as you returned the hug.

“Oppa~” Donghae hummed in response. “Thank you. Thanks for being by my side, and for remembering and keeping the promise you made.” You sobbed as Donghae gently soothed the small of your back.

“You know I stand by my words, and you don’t have to thank me. I should thank you instead, for accepting me as your boyfriend. Remember I’ll always be here for you, (Y/N).” You nodded and pulled him closer to you, crying your heart out. It wasn't even a year, and this is the second time you lost someone you looked up to in your life. However, you are more than grateful that your boyfriend-cum-best friend, Donghae is with you, and you know he forever will, just like how you will stay by his side.

Rest in peace, my brothers.’ You silently prayed, hugging your boyfriend tighter.

’ You silently prayed, hugging your boyfriend tighter

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= end =

A/N: hello everyone! This oneshot is actually written based on my emotions and what I have been through for the past few days. I lost another artiste I look up to a few days ago, and I just had to write because I needed to rant(?)

Thanks for taking the time to read this oneshot! I'm sorry if there were any mistakes!

With that, please note that all my ongoing books will be put on-hold as mentioned in the next part. Always stay happy & healthy! Also, cherish everyone and everything around you.

j.woon outto 🙏🏻 •

[ON HOLD] Donghae Oneshots♡Where stories live. Discover now