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✎ date started: ... 😅

✎ date posted: YEAR-MM-DD

✎ date updated: N/A


Boy, you hated the sound of it. Just by hearing the word alone is enough to send chills down your spine, let alone the duties & responsibilities. But neither did you have any other choice. You had to babysit your neighbour's child while they are away for their long awaited vacation, and earn money for your college.


The doorbell rang. You stood up and walked over to open the door as the uninvited guest entered your apartment.

"It's a beautiful day today, (Y/N)! Let's hang out together!" Your boyfriend chirped excitedly.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but I can't. Go have fun on your own, I have babysitting duties." You pouted and entered the kitchen to grab pancakes for your breakfast.

Taking the plate of pancakes away from you, your boyfriend thanked you and sat at the dining table. You rolled your eyes and took another plate of pancakes for yourself, joining him at the dining table.

"Don't worry about that, (Y/N)! I can help you out!" He beamed.

"I'm not exactly sure about that, Lee Donghae." You deadpanned, stating the fact.

• • • • • • ~ ʚĭɞ ~ • • • • • •

Lee Donghae, a.k.a your boyfriend of two years tore his gaze away from the TV as you entered your apartment, holding a kid's hand.

He instantly stood up and walked towards you both and lowered himself to meet the boy's gaze, "Hi there, I'm Donghae-hyung. What's your name?"

You giggled as the boy hid himself behind you. "Hyunsung-ah, this is Donghae-hyung, your noona's childish boyfriend." You introduced and gently pried the boy's hands from your hands.

Donghae softly patted the little boy's head and smiled, "Let's be friends, Hyunsung!" The little boy stuck his tongue out at your boyfriend and dashed towards the kitchen.

Donghae stared at you blankly, pointing his finger towards the kitchen, "Did he justㅡ?"

You nodded and laughed. "It'll be fine." You giggled, giving your boyfriend a tap on his shoulder before trailing after the little boy.

"(Y/N), what do you think of kids?" Donghae asked out of the blue as the two of you took a rest on the couch after 7 hours of play time with Hyunsung.

"Not very fond of them, but if I have a kid like little Hyunsung right here, I think I wouldn't mind." You smiled at the sight of the sleeping child laying his head on your lap.

"Why did you ask?" You turned to your boyfriend and asked out of curiosity. You knew he loved kids, but you were puzzled as to why he would throw that question at you? He knows the expected answer.

He lightly shook his head, "Nothing much, just asking for your opinion." He shrugged and turned to little Hyunsung, patting the little boy's head as his light snores filled the room.

You let out a chuckle, "My opinion? What do you mean? Why does that matter?" You asked, tilting your head in confusion.

"Let's have our own kids, (Y/N). I am sure they will be like little Hyunsung here!" Donghae spoke out of the blue. However, his tone was deeper and huskier than usual. You know that tone of his, he meant serious business for there is no hint of playfulness or cheekiness.

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