barista roommate ft. Siwon & DAY6 Jae

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✎ date started: 2019-06-08

✎ date posted: 2020-10-15

✎ date updated: N/A

Plugging in your earphones, you pressed PLAY on your laptop's music player, listening to <insert your favourite song ㅡ exclude SJ>, and started working on your laptop. You were sitting at your favourite corner of your favourite café, Salon de Wolf, opened by one of your idols, Kang Jun of C-Clown. You visit the café on a daily basis and eventually became a regular of the café.

The bell above the door rung as another customer stepped in. However, this time it wasn't a customer, it was one of the staffs in the café. You didn't notice, or rather you didn't care, since you were too engrossed in your work. Yet, he saw you the moment he entered the café. He smiled at the sight of you and made a beeline towards his locker room to prepare for the start of his shift.

"When are you confessing, bro?" He felt a pat on his shoulder and whipped his head toward the source of the voice. It was his best friend, Choi Siwon. "You scared me! And what do I have to confess?" Donghae exclaimed as he wore his apron.

"Bro, do I look blind to you? You like that girl don't you? The one seating at the back of the café." Donghae was about to speak up but Siwon continued, "Don't even try to bullcrap me, she's the only customer sitting there right now." Donghae sighed in defeat and slumped, leaning against the lockers, "I don't know, Siwon. Isn't it weird if I confess to her? She doesn't even know me and I barely even know her. If I confess, she might not come back here anymore because she might think I'm weird!"

Siwon nodded in agreement and added, "But you are weird at times. Just don't blame me if her relationship status change!" He walked away evem before Donghae could smack his back. The advantage of having long legs.

An hour later...

A blonde haired male entered the café and walked towards you with a smile. He took a sit in front of you and called out to you as you looked up at him, "Sunbae, you are here! Have a listen to this." You took out the right side of your earphones and passed to him as he plugged it into his right ear, listening to the track you composed intently.

He nodded with a content smile and remarked, "You never disappoint, don't you (Y/N)?" He chuckled, "Just pass the USB to me and I'll discuss with the boys and make some amendments if any." You nodded to his comment and was about to reply when he spoke up once again, "Oh right! The boys and I can't join you for dinner tonight since we have a meeting for a new album. You ok with that?"

You gave a curt nod, "Ain't the first time, isn't it? Let me know what they think about the track, Jae-sunbae!"

"Definitely! Gotta go now, see you around in the company! And don't stay too late! Your neighbourhood isn't safe." The male named Jae stood up and patted your head, walking out of the café and putting the USB in his pocket.

Meanwhile, Donghae stood by the counter and watched the interaction between you and Jae. A pout slowly crept up on his face and a sigh came out from his mouth soon after. Many thoughts went through his head, such as: Is that her boyfriend?, They look cute together, Should I still confess?, and so on. About 1 metre away from him stood his best friend, Siwon, who was shaking his head. 'He needs help. Period.'

10PM KST, Salon de Wolf Café

You heard a light knock on the table and looked up.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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