Chapter 1

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Moonbyul's POV

I hate school.

Ya you guys heard me right.

I hate school. It's the worst place to be, sometimes how i wish i can just skip school, but i know I can't since my parents will kill me for sure.

Urhh! Why must they be so freeking rich?

I know it's a good thing, but sometimes how i wish i was from a middle family.

Cause everytime i had to attend this and that with them, it's so annoying!

I was walking and complaining in my own head, when suddenly i bump into someone.

I didn't even bother to look at the person and just mumbled sorry.

That's me, I'm just like that.

I know i have a bad attitude and all, but too bad, you have to accept it.

When i reached my school, i sighed and entered the school gates.

When i did so, everyone would look at me, like I'm some kind of superstar or whatever you call it.

I wouldn't say that i felt uncomfortable with this type of attention, but it just gets to me sometimes.

"Hey Moonstar!" Someone shouted and i cursed mentally at the person, but i know that it was just Hwasa.

I walked towards her and slapped her arm.

She flinched.

"Hey! What was that for!?" She said and glared at me.

I just chuckled and shook my head.

"Nothing." I replied and opened my locker, shoving her aside first.

"Where are your manners?" She said and demanded a sorry from me.

I rolled my eyes in response, continuing to take out my textbooks and workbooks, before slamming it with my leg.

I walked to class and she was still demanding a sorry from me.

This made me clearly annoyed.

"Okay okay! Sorry then!" I said in annoyance and she smiled.

"That's better!" She said and smacked my back hard.

I made a 'o' shape and touched my back, this time i glared at her.

"Hey! Now what's that for?" I said, and she looked away, acting as if she didn't do anything.

I was about to say something when the bell rung.

"Okay, see you later, Moonstar got to go to class now!" She said and scurried off to class.

Haizzz..this person..drives me crazy sometimes, but still, she is like a sister to me.

When i got to class, everyone was quiet and i frowned.

"Hmm..why?" I was thinking in my head, and as i settled down, someone came to me.

"Hey, Moon ah, are you free later?"

"No." I replied coldly, and she pouted.

"Please Moon.." she squeaked.

"I said no, don't you get it, I don't like you." I said in a higher tone this time, still sounding cold.

Then she just walk away.

Why must this always happen to me?

Urhh..girls..are so annoying.

Then another girl came to me, and sat in front of me on the empty seat.

"Hey Moon." She said cooly and i knew who that was in an instant.

I looked up and smiled at her.

"Hi Krystal, so what's up?" I said and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh's just that I'm losing interest in someone."

"Hmm? Who is it?" I said and looked at her, signaling her to go on.

"Not telling you!" She said and sticked her tongue out like how a kid would.

She looked cute when she did that which made me chuckle.

"Ahh..cute." I said and i swore i saw her face turning red.

"Class!" Our teacher, Ms Jung came in and we all settled down.

"Take out your textbooks and turn it to page 33." She said in a demanding tone which made most of the students to shiver.

Some of the perverted boys were looking at her, and i rolled my eyes.

"She looks sexy right?"

"Ya..she does." Two of them were whispering among themselves which made me laugh a little.

"What's so funny, Moonbyul?" She looked at me and i sighed.

"Nothing.." i replied and pretended to do my work.

She sighed and shook her head.

Then suddenly there was a knock on the door and all of us look to the direction.

The door opened but I couldn't see the person's face.

"Class, please read and do page 12." She said and went our of the class.

"Who do you think was at the door?" Krystal asked me, and i shrugged my shoulders.

"Urr..maybe new student." I replied and shifted uncomfortably in my own seat.

Then the door opened again, and our homeroom teacher came in.

All of us looked at her expectantly, but for me, I didn't care and lay my head on the table.

I was about to sleep when i felt a slam on my table which made me jump up a little.

"Sleeping in class again Ms Moon?" Ms Jung raised a brow and the whole class laughed.

I groaned and folded my eyes, this time still lying on my table, but looking at the front.

Wow..who's she?

Is she new?

She was still chuckling and my lips formed into a line.

"Class! This is your new classmate, introduce yourself.." Our homeroom teacher whispered the last part, so I couldn't really hear her name.

" name is Yongsun and I'm new, please take care of me!" She said in a shy and cheery to me which made my face feel hot?

"Okay, Yongsun, please seat next to.." she scanned the room, then her eyes fell upon me.

I then shut my eyes close, hoping that she will not say my name, but too late, she did.

"Sit next to Moonbyul." She said and i sighed in defeat.

Maybe this won't be bad after all..

I meann..well..s-she is pretty.

When she settled next to me, i felt nervous all of a sudden.

"Hey..nice to meet you Moonbyul." She said and giggled which made my face red.

Is there such a thing as love at first sight?

Hey readersd, how was this? Please tell me cause i wanna knw if it is okay, if its too rushy tell me too, anyways, hope u guys liked this first chap!

After thinking for very long i decided to write it like that although i had another idea, but i decided to stick to this anyways!

Thanks for reading n luv y'all 💕💕🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️

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