Chapter 17

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Yongsun's POV

The last sentence which left her lips just made me cry even more.

The tears were endless as i stepped out of the apartment we shared.

It will never be the same..ever..

I ran to the place where i always go whenever i feel sad or down.

The rooftop.

I ran up the steps which led to the rooftop, the sky was pitch black, and the moon....

I sighed heavily again, the tears were once again welling up in my eyes as i walked to the end of the roof, looking down, it seemed like a moving picture, i felt like jumping now.

How i wish i could just end my i wish I didn't have to ever worry again..if i just jump down the roof...all those thoughts will will...

I shook my head.

"Don't b-e silly Y-ongsun.." i said to myself in a shaky tone, my breath was shaky as well..

If i die just like will not have any meaning..will it?

I sighed as i sat down, my legs now at the end of the roof, but I didn't care anymore, I'm used to seeing this view up close, i actually like it anyways.

I looked down, the cars were all passing by, the mountains up ahead looks so beautiful..if only i could stay up here everyday..

Then i lied on the concrete, my head slightly hitting the floor and i flinched.

I closed my eyes, the tears stopped, and as i fluttered them open again, i saw the moon.

Urhh! Out of everything..why the moon!?

I hate it.

I looked away from it, and looked at the stars..gosh..they are so beautiful..j-ust like..Moonbyul...

STOP! I yelled in my brain and i sat up, I can't stop thinking about her..why?

I hit my head, hoping that the thoughts of us will disappear but it's not working, all i can see now are the images of us when we were younger, how much in love we used to be which made me cry again.

"S-stop..S-TOP!" I yelled this time, crying again, i brought my knees together and cried harder.

Moonbyul's POV

My heart felt heavy with guilt..what have i just done!

I hate myself for it..why must i always get into this type of mess..i really hate it! I hate that I'm feeling this way, i hate that I'm always getting into this kind of stuff, i hate that this happened twice, i hate myself for everything!

Except..I'm not going to let it happen again..not again, I'm not going to lose Yongsun..I don't want to lose her..i love her..don't i?

My eyes started to well up with tears, and i started to cry.

I sniffled, looking at my phone, hesitating on whether to call her or not.

I decided not to as this was not the time to anyways..

I turned my head, and regretted when i did, there it was..a picture of us together, and now..what is it? Where is it?

It's all gone..and it was all my fault.'s not your fault Moonbyul..even if it was, it was Krystal's!

I hate her! Why must she come back anyways! I was having such a wonderful time with my girlfriend and she just had to interfere!

I remembered the look on Yongsun's face when i said that i love Krystal, it made me feel and fearful of losing her..

And now that i have..i feel empty.

Why did i even say that i liked Krystal anyways? It's my fault!

I slapped myself again and again, until it hurt, and i stopped, my tears were still streaming down my cheeks, refusing to end.

I gulped again and again, hoping and praying for my Yonsgun to come back into my arms, telling me all these was just a dream..if only it was..

But i guess it's reality, and i have to face it.

Maybe i should...just call her..

I glanced at my phone again, and this time i didn't heaitate to call her.

My hands were trembling as i placed the phone on my ears.

After awhile, she still hadn't pick up and i was losing hope.

"Please..just Yongsun..answer the call..i beg you..i know I've done wrong, i realise my forgive me..i wil-"

"What do you want?" Her voice was shaky, it meant that she was crying.

I started to smile when i hear her voice, i felt the emptiness going away slowly.

"Babe..please come back to me..i promise you i will make it up to you! I'm really sorry, please forgive me! I will do anything to get you back, just come back i beg you!" I said in a anxious tone through the phone, i could hear her crying harder.

"Moonbyul...why.." she said and ended the call.

"GODDAMMIT!" I said and threw my phone across the room, hearing a loud thud as it landed on the floor.

I started crying again, and i thought..where will she be now..if i was her..where is her favourite place to be at..

My eyes widened.

"The rooftop?"

Sorry guys..i knw I've been slacking n not updating lately..I'm exams are coming up starting on Mon so I'm afraid..I can't update..I'm really sorry, please understand n relate to me..please don't hate me!

Anywayss..hope u guys liked this chap n please vote n comment as alwayss, bye luv y'all 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️💕💕

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