So you are a monster. So what?

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"Good morning beautiful." The smile of that man made me nauseous. He came every five hours to give me food, and if I was asleep,
I was left hungry for five hours.
"How can you even know that it's morning in this dungeon?" I asked him. He smiled again. Seriously, if that guy doesn't stop that, I'll vomit. It's not that that it wouldn't be nice. It just feels really forced. Locked here underground, judging by the chain around his neck, hid under his collar, he is a prisoner as well. And yet........he still manages to smile like that. Disgusting.
"I feel it. You'll get used to it as well." He put the food down and turned around.
"Why am I even here?" I asked.
He stopped.
And turned around with that smile.
"Do not flatter yourself. This is not about you."
"Than about who?" I interrupted him.
"Why did you come again? What are you really after?" Even if he's a prisoner, there's no doubt he is with them. Nobody would be able to survive here, with a smile like that.
"Lucy Heartfillia. I heard that you are intelligent. Or was that just a rumor?" He was not facing me.
"You are not important. Your keys maybe, but we have our own Celestial Mage. What they want, is that kid of yours."
"Don't you dare touch Nashi!" I screamed, making him laugh. "I beg you! She is just a child. Take...use or whatever you need her for, me instead!" I begged.
She laughed even more.
"Don't you get it? Nobody needs you. You are here just to make your daughter act." He said this, and left.
Just to make here act?! Why would they..........why would they want Nashi's demon for?

I stood over my little sister, as she was moving in her sleep, her forehead burning from the fever she had.
Auntie Wendy had no idea how to extract the poison from her, and Berry was worse and worse with every minute.
I grabbed my sister's hand. She seemed so little right now.
"Don't worry Berry. You are going to be okay. I promise you." I whispered.
"Oh I highly doubt that." I turned around, just to be greeted by the face of the man, I'm pretty sure that spawn of devil called him Sammy.
I immediately grabbed a long sword, and pointed it at him.
He didn't even flinch, as he kept looking at Berry.
"Judging by the state she is in now, she has max of two days to live. The poison is slowly melting her inner organs, one of the deadliest I've ever seen."
"What are you doing here?" I asked him. He finally looked at me. "You know, there is a plant, that may save your sister's life. It's very rare, and it's hard to find. Fortunately for you, I have some."
I stared at him in shock. Doesn't he realize he is an enemy in here?
But he was saying some interesting things.
"And what about it?" I asked.
He sighed. "I though that you would be smarter. What I'm trying to say......" he moved closer to me, looking at the tip of my sword, as if I was making fun of him with it. "is that I could help you." "Help? Why would you? Didn't you try to kill us all, just a day ago?" I asked him, stilled shocked.
He chuckled. "Not really. The only one I want is Nashi. All of you got mixed up in it on your own. And please, could you put that thing away? It's not like it can hurt a hologram anyways." Just now, I noticed how his edges are a bit blurry. He was not really here.
"And back to your question. Why would I help you? Why not? I mean, I'm not really a bad guy. I don't hate any of you here. I just want that girl. Once I'll get her, I'll leave and so will the problems she brought with her. So, what do you say? Don't you want her to disappear?" He asked me. I laughed sarcastically.
"No matter how much that bitch pisses me off, we are not a guild that would sell their members out." I stood there, my chin up high. My mom used to tell us this over and over again. It's the pride of our guild.
The man Sammy shook his head.
"Well if you insist. But do not expect your sister to last long," He was cut off by another man/hologram appearing next to him.
"Samuel-sama. We need you in the headquarters right now." The man bowed. Samuel nodded, and turned to me once again.
"Think about it. Just remember, you don't have much time left." He glanced over to Berry one last time, and they both disappeared.
I fell to my knees, my hands shaking.
What am I to do?

I ran out of the training grounds. I couldn't believe I let myself be tempted again. God, why do I have to have such a bad temper?
Why can't I just bite my tongue or something? Noooooo.
I have to make things even worse, than they were before.
I'm an idiot.
I showed all of them, what can I do with that bitch in me.
Like, honestly now, Simon's swings are fast, faster than normal. Nobody should be able to dodge them without magic.
But no. Because of that bitch, I can.
I'm a monster.
Didn't. I. Already. Tell. You. That?

"SHIT!" I screamed and punched the tree nearby me, as I was already standing outside, near the woods.
"FREAKING HELL! WHY? WHY CANT YOU JUST SHUT UP AT LEAST FOR ONCE!? DO YOU ENJOY TO TORTURE ME THAT MUCH?!" I shouted, as the pain shot from my head into my whole body. So much for her sleeping.
"So you think you are a monster?" A voice asked me.
I turned around only to see Storm standing behind me.
I was shaking. I don't know if it was from anger or fear or what.
"Why do you have a habit of following me?" I asked him.
He ignored my question, and stared at me with his deep blue eyes, that he got from Juvia.
"So you think you are a monster?" He asked me again.
"Isn't it obvious?" I asked.
He shook his head.
"Back there, you didn't seem like it. Or was it another lie? That you got used to her?" His eyes were ice cold.
I felt something building up in me.
"Who are you to ask? You don't have a freaking demon in yourself. You have no idea what it's like." I hissed.
"Still didn't answer my question." Storm stood there, without moving an inch, just like an ice statue.
"Fine! I think I'm a monster! Happy? I am a monster! Instead of me, trying to be normal, I just go with her actions! I am a monster, and I can't control that!" These words..............were what pushed me over. As I said this, years started to fall down my cheeks, and I started to cry and sob.
Storm finally moved and came closer to me.
He rose up my head and made me look at him. "So you are a monster. And what?" He asked and put a hand on my chest, the place where my heart is. "In here, I believe that in here, there is the real you. I saw it. The only problem is, that you already built up so many walls to protect the real you, that you already forgot about it. The monster you, is just desperately trying to protect the real you. Both of them are you, monster or not." His voice..........was so deep and calming. I felt calm for some reason. The tears stopped falling and my body stopped shaking.
My breathing slowly slowed down to normal pace.
But...............for some reason my heart was racing fast.
And the place where Storm was touching felt.............

/*Hey Guys. Sorry for not updating for so long, I had a lot of school stuff to do. But now, my spring break is coming up, so be ready for new chapters. ;). Also, check out my new story called
The Celestial Dragon.
For all Nashi lovers a small spoiler: she is gonna be there ;) hi hi.

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