The Fourth Scout is Hachi's Friend!?

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The next day, Hachi was walking to school with the blue haired girl that was watching them on the roof of the school and at the library. Ren -like always- was hidden in Hachi's hair.

"Look Ana! A rose is in the sidewalk." Hachi said to the girl and went to pick the flower.

"Hachi don't pick the flower. It needs to stay in the ground to live," Ana said.

"But it looks like it is dying. So why can't I pick it?" Hachi asked.

Ana knelt by the flower and just stroked one petal and the flower started to look healthier than before.

"There now it isn't dying," Ana said.

Ren gasped from Hachi's hair and Ana looked at Hachi with a confused look.

"Did your hair just gasp?" Ana asked.

"What?! Are you crazy? Let's get to school before we're late. New classes, you know." Hachi urged her forward.

"Whatever," Ana said still looking at Hachi, or really her hair.

When they got to school Ra-Ra and Eleaya were already there.

"Hachi!" They called.

"Hey, you guys!" Hachi called back.

"We're all in the same class. So we actually know someone in class." Ra-Ra said excitedly.

"Cool! Was there a name on the list that had Anastasia on it in our class?" Hachi asked them.

The girl was standing with her but she wasn't listening. She was just staring at Hachi's hair.

"Um, yeah. Why?"  Eleaya said. they look at the girl. "Is there something in Hachi's hair? Cause you are staring at it very intensely."

Ana looked at them. "Ahh, the girls from the library yesterday," Ana said by accident.

She slapped her hand over her mouth and Hachi looked at her.

"Ana, you were at the library yesterday?" Hachi asked.

"Um, yeah. I thought I told you. But I left after those two," she said pointing to Ra-Ra and Eleaya. "When they started arguing over a book."

"So like I said. Is there anything in Hachi's hair?" Eleaya asked again.

"Um, I thought that I heard something gasp in her hair on the way to school," Ana answered.

Eleaya and Ra-Ra looked at Hachi with a surprised look.

"You didn't," Eleaya said

"I couldn't leave him at home. What if something happens?" Hachi whispered aht them.

"Then we would deal with it!" They both said together.

"But he told me to.'Just in case' he said." Hachi told them. "So what room are we in?"

"3A." Eleaya said then whispered to Hachi. "Why?"

"He said just in case one of 'us' shows up here at school," Hachi answered.

"So he thinks that the last scout is here at the school?" Ra-Ra asked.

"I guess so. But he didn't know, that's why he wants to be with us at all times." Hachi told them.

"Who are you talking about?" Ana asked

By then they were at the classroom and Eleaya and Hachi looked at each other worried. But Ra-Ra turned to Ana and said the first thing she could think of.

"Floating moth bunnies!" Ra-Ra said.

She said it so loud that everyone in the classroom looked at her with confused looks, including Eleaya and Hachi.

"Fl... floating moth bunnies?"Eleaya and Hachi whispered.

"It was the only thing I could think of. Besides, it was better than just staring at each other waiting for an answer to drop from the sky!" Ra-Ra hissed back

Hachi and Eleaya figured she was still mad about yesterday and shut up. Ana looked at them then said to Hachi.

"Let's go."

"Go where?" Hachi asked her.

"Just come on," Ana ordered dragging her out the door.

They still had time before school started and before the bell to ring so Hachi started to walk alongside Ana. Eleaya looked at Hachi's and Ana's retreating backs, then to Ra-Ra.

"Follow them!" Ra-Ra declared.

With that Eleaya and Ra-Ra ran after Hachi and Ana.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Zagan!" Queen Stacia called.

Zagan appeared out of nowhere and stood in front of Queen Stacia.

"You failed to get me energy a second time, Zagan."

"I know my queen, I am very sorry. But I have a plan, but I will need to borrow the element sisters.

"Why must you borrow the element sisters?"

"Because the three Star Scouts use three of the elements, so I say put their power against dark ones plus a dark earth power. Which they don't have, and we will win. Then we will be able to take their energy out of them seeing as they have high energy levels."

"Very good. Okay, you may use them." Queen Stacia looked like she liked this plan very much.

"Thank you, my Queen," Zagan said then disappeared.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ana and Hachi were on the roof with Eleaya and Ra-Ra hiding, trying to see what is going on and why Ana took Hachi to the roof.

"Ana, do you mind telling me what's up?" Hachi asked.

"Bring the cat out Hachi."

"What cat, Ana?"

"The golden fur cat in your hair and that was an order, not a suggestion," Ana said reaching for Hachi's hair.

Before Ana could touch Hachi's hair a fireball hit the ground between them, and Ren jumped off Hachi's shoulder.

"Ren!" Hachi shouted.

"I knew it!" Ana shouted at the same time.

Hachi took off after Ren, who went to where Eleaya and Ra-Ra were hiding, and after Hachi was Ana.

"The school is under attack, again! Transform!" Ren said as he rounded the corner.

"Gemini Star Power, Make-Up!" Eleaya yelled.

"Leo Star Power, Make-Up!" Ra-Ra yelled.

By then Hachi had rounded the corner. Ana as still on the other side of the roof.

"Cancer Star Prism Power, Make-Up!" Hachi yelled.

By the time Ana got to them, they were the Sailor Star Scouts.

"You too! Transform!" Ren said sliding Ana a pen. "Say 'Taurus Star Power, Make-Up!' okay?"

Ana picked up the pen.

"Ana is our last scout?" Ra-Ra and Eleaya asked.

Ana looks at them, smiling when her eyes landed on Hachi and Hachi smiled back.

"Transform Sailor Taurus." Hachi said.

"Taurus Star Power, Make-Up!" Ana yelled.

A golden light engulfed her and when it disappeared Ana was wearing another weird but battle-ready outfit but her color was light blue, and she had a giant hammer with her.

"Nice." Hachi said.

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