The First Attack

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Ra-Ra and Eleaya walked around the school with Ren hiding in Eleaya's long Green hair. When they got to a booth with a sign that said "Nacho's from the theater kids!" written on it, they saw that it was empty with no one running the stand. Eleaya and Ra-Ra looked at each other in confusion, then Ra-Ra's stomach grumbled.

"Where is everyone?" Ra-Ra asked.

"Well, seeing as Hachi said she was in a play in her theater club," Ren said peeking out of Eleaya's hair. "I'm guessing that is where they all are."

"Ohh, that's right," Eleaya said. "We should go get some seats before there aren't any more left."

"Okay, let's go." Ren and Ra-Ra said together.


                ~~~~~ Somewhere out in outer space ~~~~~

"We the people of the Dark Star Kingdom will take our revenge on the people of the Golden Star Kingdom, for locking us away in a thousand year sleep." Queen Stacia ranted. "But first we need the Golden Pearl of the Golden Star Kingdom that they had."

She looked over at Judite and beckoned him to step forward.

"Zagan, you who was named after the 61st of the 72 spirits and one of the fallen angels and president and king of hell on this planet, you will go down to Earth to collect me some energy so I can get my strength and power back. But you must also look for the pearl down there also." Queen Stacia ordered.

"Yes, my Queen," Zagan replied with a wicked smile.

"But remember, if you fail to get the job done, I won't hesitate to kill you." Queen Stacia said.

"I understand, my Queen." He said again.

"Now go! They are using so much energy at this so-called school festival as we speak." Queen Stacia ordered.

"Yes, my Queen," Zagan said before disappearing.


                ~~~~~ Back on Earth ~~~~~

"And now Addict." Said a voice that could not be seen.

On stage it was dark. But when the lights went up to show a busy school hallway. Where you see a girl move from stage left to center, where she mimes looking through a locker. Then enters another girl who calls for the first.

"Marcy! I can't make it to Latin Club tonight. Will you run the meeting?" The girl asked.

"I don't know, I..." Marcy said.

"Everyone says you'll be president next year. You can use the practice." The girl told her.

"But..." Marcy tried.

"Thanks, Marce." The girl called over her shoulder.

"But..." Marcy tried again with an outstretched hand. But it was too late because a teacher walked up to her.

"Marcy, I need that list of the Council phone numbers by eight in the morning." The teacher said.

"I will get it for you, Mrs. Kent." Marcy said.

"Thanks." Mrs. Kent said then walked away.

Then enters a boy and a girl. The girl had long Purple hair. It was so long it went down to her butt. She motion for the boy to wait for her then walked up to Marcy.

"Come on, Marcy. Honor Society meeting." The girl said.

"I have Student Advisory Committee now. Mr. Coulter said I could get the information from someone else in Honor Society." Marcy told the girl.

"Okay." The girl said.

She was getting ready to walk back to the boy and walk off stage when a big crash came from the back of the theater, where you could hear a voice call out.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" The voice asked with a laugh.

Eleaya and Ra-Ra stood up.

"You two have to get to Hachi. NOW!" Ren said to them.

They listened and ran, jumped onto the stage and grabbed Hachi and dragged her backstage, while everyone backstage was filing out onstage.

"Guys! What's going on out there?" Hachi asked them.

"It's the Dark Star Kingdom. They are here to find the pearl that the Golden Star Kingdom had and that you three must also find before them and protect it. Along with the Princess." Ren told them.

"What do you mean, like fight?" Hachi and Eleaya said together in disbelief.

"Yes," Ren said.

And as Ren said yes to them you could hear a scream come from in the house of the theater.

"Does this have to do with you not being from Earth?" Eleaya asked and Hachi looked between Ren and Eleaya with wide eyes.

"What?!" Hachi gapped. "Not from Earth?"

"Not now!" Ren said and gave each girl something. "You need to transform."

Ren past out 2 pens to Ra-Ra and Eleaya. But to Hachi, he gave a star-shaped pendant.

"Now Eleaya, Shout out 'Gemini Star Power, Make-up!'" Ren said. "Ra-Ra, you shout ' Leo Star Power, Make-up!' and Hachi you shout out 'Cancer Star Prism Power, Make-up!' Okay?"

"Okay!" they all said together, Hachi a little hesitant than the other two.

"Leo Star Power, Make-up!" Ra-Ra shouted.

"Gemini Star Power, Make-up!" Eleaya shouted.

"Cancer Star Prism Power, Make-up!" Hachi shouted.

All three of them started to glow in a golden light. Then when the light disappeared they were all three wearing different, weird but battle ready outfits. Hachi in two shades of Purple, Eleaya in two shades of Green, and Ra-Ra was in Black and Orange.

"Okay, girls. GO!" Ren shouted.

Not needing Ren's words to go out and fight all three girls ran on stage and jumped on the three raised platforms at center stage, glad for the moment the stage lights got shut off and they still had an element of surprise.

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