The Tale of Three Girls

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"I'll see after it ends, okay? Bye, mom." Hachi yelled while running out the front door making sure to close it behind her.

"Okay see you then." Her mother called after her before the door closed, then she looked at Hachi's dad."I bet you we will see her before then."

"You're on." Hachi's father replied with a chuckle.

Hachi started to run to her school absentmindedly humming a tune not paying attention to the world around her. about five blocks from the school she rounded the corner and ran right into a girl and they both fell to the ground.

"Ouch. Okay, whoever said cement didn't hurt was lying." The girl said and laughed.

"Ohh no. I am so, so sorry. Are you okay?" Hachi asked getting up and pulled the girl up as well.

"Ya, I'm fine." The girl said rubbing at a sore body part, then stopped and looked at Hachi. "Ohh my name is Eleaya by the way."She put out her hand so Hachi could shake it.

"Ohh right. Umm, my name is Hachi."She said while shaking her hand. "So are you new to town?"

"Ya I will be going to that school next year," Eleaya said pointing out Hachi's uniform. "I  just wanted to check it out first so I won't get lost." she laughs.

"Ha-ha well, I think you will get lost if you go in there now." Hachi laughed.

Eleaya looked at her confused.

"Ohh that's right, let me explain." Hachi laughed again. "Today is the day of our Culture Festival. So there will be a lot of people there looking around at all the stuff."

They had started walking again and had made it within a block of the school which had people streaming onto the property. Eleaya looks at the school seeing all the people and lets out a discouraged sigh of defeat.

"Ohh your right there are a lot of people there today," Eleaya said looking a little depressed.

"Well if you want I can give you a tour." Hachi offered with a smile. "Ohh and I forgot to ask. What grade are you going to be in?"

"Ohh I will be at my final year of high school once we start again in April. My mom didn't want me to start at the end of the school year so we won't be moving until the end of May, and you?" Eleaya asked.

"Me too, but to tell you the truth some say that I don't look like I will be going into my final year next year." Hachi said with a laugh.

"Ya, I can see why they would say that. You do look like you are just going into high school." Eleaya said with a laugh.

"Hey, you do too. So I'm not the only one."Hachi said laughing too

"Okay you got me there but sti... Ohh Hachi watch ou..." Eleaya tried to say.

But it was too late Hachi ran into another girl and grabbed Eleaya for balance but instead made all three of them fall.

"Ouch." All three of them said together.

"Okay Eleaya, I agree with you concert does hurt," Hachi said while rubbing a sore spot.

"Well, at least you two aren't being sat on." Said a voice under them.

Hachi and Eleaya both jump up. "Ohh I am so sorry." They said together.

"I am such a big klutz today," Hachi said while helping this girl up.

"It's okay my name is Ra-Ra by the way." the girl said dusting off her clothes then shook both Hachi's and Eleaya's hands.

"I'm Hachi and this is Eleaya she is new to town, and I was going to show her around the school."Hachi said to Ra-Ra.

"Ohh can I come too, I am new to town too and was also planning on looking at the school but it looked like I was coming at a bad time with all these people here," Ra-Ra said a bit sad but a bit relieved too.

"Sure, so what year will you are entering into?"Hachi asked.

"Umm third year and you guys?" Ra-Ra answered.

"Same." Hachi and Eleaya said together.

"Really but you both look like first years." Ra-Ra said surprised.

"Ha-ha ya, we get that a lot." Hachi and Eleaya said together.

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