We are the Star Scouts

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In the audience of the theater, a drama queen monster was stealing the energy from the cast, crew and the crowd. As the monster started to attack all the lights in the theater went out, all but the background lights. Those lights illuminated three lone figures from their backs, standing on three platforms at center stage.

"Stop right there, you ugly drama wanna-be." Shouted the figure on the middle tallest platform. "Tonight was supposed to be fun."

"But Sailor Cancer, I think this is fun." Said the figure on the left platform.

"Me too." The figure on the right platform agreed with the figure on the left platform.

The one called Sailor Cancer laughed.

"Well yes, it is. But those people in that play worked really hard to get where they were today." she reminded them.

The monster looked at the three silhouette figures.

"And who are you three? And how did you avoid my attack?" The monster snarled.

One by one three spotlights kicked onto the three figures.

"I am the sailor of hope, love, and justice, Sailor Cancer!" The girl on the middle platform said.

"Likewise, I am Sailor Gemini!" Said the girl on the left platform.

"Ditto, I am Sailor Leo!" said the girl on the right platform.

"And in the name of the stars, you will be stardust!" All three of them said together.

All three girls jumped from the stage and started to head toward the monster that stealing everyone's energy, by running on the seats of the theater, but the monster just started to grin.

"Ha, we will see about that." The monster said with a wicked laugh. "Now! Witness my powers!"

Then all of a sudden everyone that had fallen onto the ground stood and started to go towards the three girls. Some of the people who were closest to the already started to reach for their feet to drag them off the seats they were running on.

"I hate it when people make others do their job." Sailor Cancer said. "Ocean Current!"

Water in a huge wave hit the monster, stopping the crowd of people of getting any closer.

"Raging Tornado's!" Sailor Gemini shouted.

"Solar Flare!" Sailor Leo also shouted.

A tornado and flames went shooting toward the monster. But she jumped out of the way the very last second.

"All three of us together,"Hachi told them.


"Ocean..."Sailor Cancer started.

"Raging..."Sailor Gemini said next.

"Solar..." Sailor Leo said after her.

"Current!"Sailor Cancer said the last of hers.

"Tornado's!" Sailor Gemini also said the last of hers.

"Flare!" Sailor Leo finished off.

With all their powers together a half Flame half water Tornado hit the monster sending her flying backward.

"Sailor Cancer, catch!"

Hachi turned just in time to see Ren throw something in the air from his mouth. What she caught was a Golden Star Scepter with a hole in the middle of the star.

"Say 'Star Light Shower!'" Ren told her.

"Okay!" Sailor Cancer said, "Star Light Shower!"

Then with a burst of golden light, the monster screamed and was turned into stardust. By the time that the stardust disappeared everyone was coming to and saw the three girls. The lights come back on as well.

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