The New Power

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The weekend went by fast and the girls had to stay up late into the nights just to practice without Vany or Alex seeing them. Ren was getting tired of acting like a regular cat and was happy to be going home where he can talk to Hachi and the girls without people barging in. By the time they would have gotten back home it would be almost midnight and they still had to go to school in the morning and decided to crash at one of their houses. The closest house to the train station was Eleaya's house, and they had their uniforms with them if this happened and they wanted to be prepared. When morning came Ren was the first one up, so he started to wake up Hachi, Ana, and Eleaya. It took them all three tries to wake Ra-Ra up. By the time they were all up and dressed a dog ran into the room.

"Hey, Princess." Eleaya greeted the dog. "How have you been since I was gone?"

Ren looked at the dog the Eleaya called 'princess'. It was an ordinary dog that looked like it could be a black lab, but on its butt just above her tail, there were three small golden stars and her eyes were a rich golden color. The dog saw Ren staring at her and started to back up a bit.

"B... Becka?" Ren asked the dog, and the girls all looked at Ren with wide, shocked eyes. Then they looked at the dog, who sighed and sat down,

"Guess I can't hide anymore, huh, Ren?" Becka asked, and the girls looked bug-eyed at the dog.

"I... I have... I have a talking dog?!" Eleaya asked shocked.

"I have a talking cat. So it's all good." Hachi tried to joke but Eleaya paid her no mind.

"So you could talk and I've had you for what? Ten years and not even once did you decided to let me in on this even when about a couple of months ago I learned I was a Star Scout?" Eleaya asked then thought of something else. "Which you probably already knew about, if you know Ren."

"Well, I think you should start walking to school or you will be late, and I will tell you everything while you walk," Becka advised.

"Fine, but only because I don't want to be late to school," Eleaya said. "And I don't want to wait until after school to hear this."

Hachi picked up Ren and put him on her shoulder, then grabbed her stuff. Ra-Ra, Ana, and Eleaya also grabbed their stuff and walked to the door, which Hachi held open for them. Eleaya was out first, so she held the screen door open for everyone else. They started o their way to school and Becka started to explain.

"You were seven when I found you. You were playing in a park and I wandered up to you and when I did, I  could feel a great power from you and I knew you just were meant to be a Star Scout. But I didn't really know until you used wind to push down the end of the titter totter that you wanted to get on. Before you could get on, a woman walked over that I guessed was your mom; she said something to you and took your hand and started to leave. I followed you guys and started to whimper when you started to enter your house, and that's when you saw me and took me in. I knew I had a job to do but you were young and nothing bad was happening, so I settled in and hid out the years, no one found me and I was happy living with you as a simple house pet. But when the Dark Star kingdom started to act up I was going to tell you. The only problem was when I tried to summon your pen you use to transform I couldn't get it to come to me. But three days ago before you left I felt an evil power following you and I knew I had to summon your final forms as the Platinum Sailor Scouts but I could only summon three of the four rings that transformed you all. But I hoped that you all would get them in time to transform." Becka was saying but was cut off by Ra–Ra.

"Rings what ring?" Ra–Ra asked looking at her hands and gasped once she saw a black ring with a sun on it and engraved in the center it said 'Leo'

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