Chapter 1

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                                                        Chapter 1 Shaylyn's view

    I've always wondered what happens when a person dies, Is there an afterlife?,Do they just go into an eternal sleep? These questions always have gone through my mind. Especially when I went to Papa's funeral. Now a days I never wonder these questions. All of the dead have risen. Zombies you may call them. They walk the halls of the high school I was supposed to attend in 2 weeks. I cry now that I think of when my mother used to tuck me in and sing to me. Now papa is dead mother is dead they all are dead, The only person I know who is alive is my older sister Adalaeite and she hates me. I'm thinking of leaving soon. You know I'm like one of those kids who just go a-wall. " Hey brat crap!" my sister says " There's a zombie outside, Go do that thing you do with a butter knife or whatever." she screams. I walk down to the kitchen and grab a knife and a fork then I run up to the balcony and use my hair elastic as a bow and shoot the zombie with a fork then a knife, And he drops down dead.

    I turn to look at the clock 11:37 at night I jump up out of bed and pack a few things like Bug spray, An elastic, A package of forks and knives, food (DUH) ,clothes, and a bar of soap and I just put on a coat and shoes and just run.

    I decide to stop at a little house and I'm only about 3 blocks away when someone runs by me grabbing my bag. I chase him down three more blocks and then I jump on his back and tackle him." HEY GET OFF ME" he yells " GIVE ME THE BAG" I scream back " FINE" he says and hands me the bag  " on one condition, let me and my sister join you" he says fine I tell him.

    We walk into a small condo-ish area and he knock fourteen and a half times on the door of the fourteenth building, And a girl probably 13 years old opens the door " Jaymes who's this" she says her voice welcoming and kind " I'm Shaylyn" I say holding my hand out to shake hands but the girl pulls me in and hugs me. " It's okay she does this to everyone" Jaymes says " JAYMES!" she yells. " I'm sorry Caprice" he says to her " It's okay, Come in Shaylyn" Caprice tells us.

     As soon as I walk in their house is beautiful I wouldn't think it was an apocalypse if I didn't know better when I walked in. " Jaymes and I's parents were taken by the disease three weeks ago" Caprice tells me " SHUT UP ABOUT MOM AND DAD" Jaymes yells at her" JUST BECAUSE YOUR MY OLDER BROTHER DOSEN'T MEAN YOU BOSS ME AROUND TWITCH" Caprice screams" I SAID DON'T CALL ME THAT" " I'LL CALL YOU TWITCH ALL I WANT" and the argument continues for about 10 minuets when Jaymes calms down and they make up " Sorry about that" Caprice says with her warm voice again " It's okay" I say trying to sound like nothing ever happened.

     " So……" I say 3 hours later BANG BANG BANG Caprice screams " zombies" Jaymes whispers I run up to see if they have a balcony and Jaymes follows screaming stay down here and I'll deal with I find that they have a balcony and I grab a knife and fork and my elastic and stand atop the balcony and shot three zombies and they fall dead prey to my knife " That was…..incredible" he stammers and I turn to face him and smile. We walk down stairs and Caprice is terrified " Hey, I'll teach you to fight" I tell her " Really, no ones ever tried teaching me before I'm the nerdy kid who instead of doing martial arts or playing video games I would play with a chemistry kit" She says

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