2 - Family Relations and Possessive Situtaions

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It was halfway through the week until my parents came home from abroad. My father was directing a movie with Eileen, my step-mother, starring in it. On Wednesday evening, they waltzed into the house cheering with managers, cast members and friends.

Soon enough, I descended the stairs in a red dress and a flashy smile, showing their guests a positive and graceful attitude. My parents smiled back at me with content and welcomed me in front of everyone with a whole family hug. We always acted closer than we were in front of guests as it was fun to see their reactions.

"How old is Rinna now?" asked Mandy, Eileen's agent, who constantly forgot who I was, constantly calling me 'Rinna' and thinking I was still ten. Eileen once asked her to get me into any concert that Mandy thought a teenager would love. Mandy got me into a Justin Beiber concert, thinking I was eleven and must be a Beleiber. I went anyway to be nice and it was okay but it wasn't really my scene.

"I'm almost seventeen," I told her and greeted her with a bow, forgetting she was American.

She then started flapping about how cute I was and how adorable Japanese culture is. Thankfully I was saved by my father, who introduced me to some people, before pulling me to the smaller living room where it was quiet.

We flopped down onto the couch and sighed out in unison. He ruffled his hand through his greying black hair and looked out through the big modern window in front of us. Our house overlooked the city. The exterior was fashionably modern, created so by Eileen as she loved modern style. My father and I stuck to it as we really didn't mind it. My parents were always travelling so they didn't spend much time in our house and I wasn't too bothered on how the house looked because I was busy with an average, rich teenager's life.

"How was your first day back?" He asked with interest, turning towards me and resting one leg on the coffee table in front of us.

"Alright," I sighed, stretching my legs out far underneath the coffee table, staring up at the ceiling.

"That Kurosawa boyfriend of yours?" His voice never sounded happy about Niko and I wasn't surprised. It was difficult being in a relationship with him, especially because of the media and anything related to the Kurosawa's. I was glad to be kept out of it all.

"Alright," I shrugged.

"You worked your problems out with him?" There was a reason I fled to America to see my mother in the summer and Niko had something to do with it. My father knew something had happened as Niko had bothered the house to try and see me even though I wasn't there. "Because I can make some connections and get him-"

"It's fine, dad. We're fine."

My dad scooted closer towards me on the couch and made sure I looked him in the eyes. "Now that Host Club of yours. Is Kyoya still in it?"


"Does he say anything about how the family's doing?"

"He doesn't say much about the family, dad." I rolled my eyes. "He only complains about Tamaki-senpai, or for us to stop making a mess, how to bring in more money for the club and so on. Why are you so suddenly interested in the Ootori's now? You're not thinking of fixing your relations with them, are you?" I asked with an exaggerated horrified expression.

"Oh god no!" My dad snorted, "I'd be crazy if i did that! And if i did, make sure Eileen gets me sectioned!" He shook his head at the thought. "No, I just thought his father would get him to rub the family name in your face or get you excluded from the club."

"I don't think his father's quite like that, dad." My dad raised his eyebrows at me. "I don't think his father really cares about what you or I do." He looked slightly deflated when I said this, much like Tamaki-Senpai. "When I have a father as famous and as great as you, the Ootori name can never be rubbed in my face!" I smiled sweetly and threw my arms around him and he accepted me in a loving hug.

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