23 - Ditch the Negative

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I carried on doing as I was told for the rest of the week. I kept to myself, answered more questions about the Host Club safety stunt. Nothing new came through about Tamaki and Kyoya's trip to France. That meant they hadn't found Tamaki's mother yet, although Haruhi was waiting patiently for any messages. When Tamaki messaged her, she would light up, before getting mad that the message was about something random instead of importance, but we all knew she appreciated the messages.

I was wandering around the school, Daichi following behind me, during a study period when Yamamoto found me. He'd been doing the odd substituting around the school but I hadn't seen him often since my accident. He asked if I could speak to him in one of the empty study rooms and I agreed. He looked Daichi up and down and asked if he was necessary, which I was afraid to admit so. We three sat down at a desk, well Daichi stood, and Yamamoto sat there quietly for a moment, sipping at his cup of tea.

"You haven't seen me for some time," was all he said.

I nodded, "I've been incredibly busy."

"Yes, ending your whole acting career did seem to take up a lot of your school time," he raised an eyebrow and looked Daichi up and down. "And you come back with a shadow I see?"

I looked back at Daichi, who was trying to look straight ahead and be a good little security guard. I was slowly pulling his guard down. Get it? 

"If you want to know the real reason why I'm retiring from my acting and media career, its because I was being stalked. After the little safety stunt I pulled with the Host Club, I was supposed to be off the next day so everyone had time to react and so the school could speak to them. So I took my long weekend to travel to the states, which was when we realised I was being stalked and they had followed me to Japan," I shrugged. "We all agreed I should retire, or at least act like I have for a while, hide me out at the Ootori estate and have security with me at all times."

"Your statement seems a little rehearsed," Yamamoto commented calmly. "And if there's one thing I know about your father, he'd want you close after something like that. He'd want you no where near the family he despises so much."

"Well it happened," I answered quickly. "I thought you were my mentor for getting through my studies and into university?"

"I am also a family friend," he raised an eyebrow. "But if that's what happened, I will believe it all. I just wanted to make sure you were alright and that we can continue your studies soon. That is, if you still want to continue?"

"Of course!" I almost yelped, "I wouldn't drop out on my dream for anything."

Yamamoto smiled at me, "I'm glad. Let's meet on Monday during your third period study."

"You have a copy of my time table now, don't you?"

"Can't leave it to you to tell me when you're free," he smiled. He knew me too well. How come everyone knew me so well, yet they weren't pressing for the absolute truth? They all just dropped it if they were slightly unsure after I gave such convincing excuses.

I smiled back at Yamamoto and agreed on our Monday session. Daichi and I exited the room and I dragged him around the school before he questioned me.

"Are you not going to class, or going to study at least?"

"I don't have the mind for it," I sighed, looking right into his sunglasses. "I just want to relax for once. Not be stuck around lies and people with questions."

"School will be over soon," he tried to reassure with a straight face.

"Lunch is next," I sighed, we knew that meant staying in the classroom, even if my friends kept me company. I just wanted to relax outside for once. "Then maths and science." I didn't have to see Daichi's eyes to know he was exasperated. "If only I could skip class like I used to."

"Its not good for your safety," Daichi reasoned, "Nor will it look great to Master Ootori, for me or you."

"He won't have to know."

"I think the school reporting you're not there will let him know."

"Honey, you really don't know how well I sneaked out in the past. My friends are very useful. Report to the teacher she's at sick bay helping a friend and will report back when I can. If I don't return, it means I had to stay there the entire time."

"What if they check where you are?"

"They never have."

"Well, even if that's successful, where would you go? I can't keep you safe out in the open."

"Oh, I want to go to the movies!"

"Are you delirious? Going to the movies when you're so well known?"

"Obviously I'll disguise myself like I usually do."

"Oh how so?" he asked with bewilderment.

"I keep a wig in my desk, and sunglasses. No one's the wiser."

"Rin, I can't allow this to happen."

"I'll just do it."

"I'll have to tell Master Ootori, and he won't give you any more chances."

"But, I'll make it out and you'll have failed, so he might fire you."

"Are you seriously risking my job? Your safety? Just to sneak off to the movies?"

"Daichi, you've watched me slowly going stir crazy. I need to be somewhere else besides people's houses and school. A slice of culture is all I'm asking for. Then we'll head straight home."


"Come on, Daichi, just this once. For me. And I won't be an annoying little bitch anymore."





He just looked at me silently.

"I'm going to do it. Just watch out for me."

I headed straight to our classroom, which was almost empty except for Kazuna, Haruhi and class rep, all silently working alone.

I approached Kazuna with a gleeful smile. "Hey, Kaz."

"Oh, what's that look for?"

I leaned down and propped my elbow on the table, holding that elbow with my other hand will propping up my head. "Oh I just had a fun idea is all."

"What is it?" She asked grumpily, "Not another rainforest, I can't do that again. Not with the Host Club. They are a disaster."

"Hey, I was tricked into that too!" I acted offended. "Anyways, I think it'd do our friendship a great deal if you came with me to the movies."


"Um, now?"

"Skipping class?"

"You sound shocked?"

"I mean I know you skip class but I don't usually."

"But you have before."

"Well, yeah-"

"So come with. It'll be me, you and Daichi."

"Sounds joyful."

"It will be! Come one! I want a little freedom."

"With your security guard?"

"I'd rather be free than stalked."

"Good point. Okay lets go."

"Love you," I winked at her.

As Kazuna packed her things, I made my way to Haruhi to ask her if she'd cover for us. Which she refused, understandably, but annoyingly. So I had to go find the twins who would cover for me, but be offended I didn't invite them. And as I guessed, they were, but when Kazuna was in the picture, they were more understanding. They didn't particularly like her. Saying she was too quiet and judgemental. She just didn't fall for them, which they're not used to.

We settled our cover and I slotted on my wig after getting changed into my gym clothes, which I kept in my locker from when I used to go to the gym after schools before I lost my freedom. I had multiple sports leggings and t-shirts so I gave a pair to Kazuna too. I noticed Daichi looked a bit too formal as well, so I picked my way into Hikaru's locker and found a pair of fancy designer tracksuit pants and handed them to Daichi.

"They're a bit flashy aren't they?" he asked, staring at them. "How will I keep my cover?"

"By keeping our cover. People will believe Kazuna and I aren't important if you don't just look like a security guard. So put these on, take the black t-shirt and lose the blazer. Your shades are fine but take this baseball cap."

"Are you sure Hikaru will be fine with you just handing out his spare clothes?"

"Meh," I shrugged, "Does it matter? He absolutely adores me."

"As right as you are, that could change if you exploit him enough."

"Hey I don't exploit anyone!"

She raised her eyebrow at me and looked at Daichi, who had quickly looked my way when I had said that. "So you're not exploiting Daichi at all right now even though its his job to keep you safe and out of trouble? I know you'd have persuaded him with very convincing words that are actually threats."

"Even if I did, he knows I appreciate him and his company. Or else I would have complained and maybe have gone through four security guards by now."

"He knows that?" Daichi questioned with surprise.

"Well you should have guessed by now, I'm not the easiest person to deal with."

After that, Daichi seemed extremely happy to be breaking the rules. Its weird to think he didn't believe I valued him as a friend. We made our way to the movies in a taxi we had ordered just down the road near a small but expensive coffee shop. Once at the movies, Kazuna and Daichi seemed to be getting on swell. And when they saw that my last movie was on, they questioned if we should see it, seeing as I was retired. Or if we should watch my dad's latest movie. I knew the last movie I had done was good, and even though it would be painful to watch it, I wanted to. It was a part of me. Though Daichi started to think it may be a bad idea going to see my own movie in case a super fan recognised me. But when we went inside, the movie theatre was pretty empty. I made Kazuna order our tickets and food even though I paid, with cash so Mr Ootori wouldn't see I had used my card randomly.

We got inside the large theatre room, the darkness was a perfect blanket to hide all my expressions. I felt free to express myself, even though I had too friends at either side throughout it. So obviously I didn't cry, but I could just rest, and not pretend. I'd chuck popcorn at the screen whenever I saw my scenes, but no one really noticed or complained. In all seriousness, the afternoon was a success. And before we went back to school, we had enough time to have a fancy coffee.

We strolled back to school, snuck in through the only fault in Ouran's system. Which Niko and I used to use all the time. Which was probably where he escaped. It ruined my mood remembering that. But I tried to keep on a good face for my friends. We went back to our gym lockers and changed back. Then I removed a bandage from my first aid kit and wrapped it around Kazuna's head, to her astonishment. I explained to her that it was our alibi. That we went to the nurses office because she was hit by a dodgeball and received a bump and concussion. She said that was a little extreme and weak of her. I shrugged and said it would be questioned the least.

We made our way to the nurses office, where I bribed the nurse to be our alibi, she was the best nurse. Then we made our way to the classroom for our last few minutes of class, telling the teacher about our absence and completing our mission. It was nice to have even a slither of freedom.

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