25 - xxo

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The day of the party rolled around slowly and, in the same time, I crammed useless information into my brain ready for exam season. I needed to do well. I needed to get into Harvard. I needed to escape.

At the appropriate time, the phone in my room rang and Daichi answered. The party was starting and I'd need to be there to welcome the guests. I looked at Daichi anxiously, he could see the fear I tried to hide with fancy make-up and hair. I had only chosen a simple black lace dress from Yazuah's collection. It hugged my body and covered my arms in a leaf lace pattern.

"You look beautiful this evening, Rin," he told me, offering his arm to escort me downstairs. It may have been improper but he knew I'd need to hold onto someone for dear life, maybe because I was wearing heels, maybe because I was scared to death of this entire party situation.

"Thanks," I gave him a weak smile, "Let's get this over with."

I took his arm and made my way downstairs where the Ootori's were receiving guests. Once at the bottom of the stairs, I thanked Daichi for the escort and told him to keep close as I made my way towards the guests. I greeted people politely, even though I didn't know who most of them were. Then Kyoya came out from nowhere to my rescue and greeted the guests alongside me. I thanked him with a smile, but mentally scolding myself for not being able to do such an easy job. I was a hostess for godsake, why was I having trouble hosting people. But we all knew why.

Tamaki arrived fairly promptly, though he dragged Kyoya away to talk, leaving me alone once again. Thankfully Kazuna arrived, followed by Hunny and Mori and I was able to talk to them for a while before they made their way to talk to others. Though I was not alone for long as the Hitachiin's soon showed up, distracting me for a while. Haruhi also made it, and told the story of how she ended up in such an elegant dress; Yazuah solely responsible after the twin's ambush.

I thought I was fine. Amongst friends you'd think you were safe. But nothing filled my veins as coldly as when I saw the Kurosawa's walk through the doors. In my panic, I grabbed Daichi's arm, as he was the only person standing by me at the time. Mr Ootori welcomed them straight into his home and smiled at them, as if they were honoured guests.

Daichi looked down at me, then our hands, then back at me, "You're fine, Rin," he told me, "Don't let them think they've won."

I nodded, knowing he was right. One thing lingered in my mind for the rest of the evening. As I greeted them, using my acting skills to mask my true emotions, shaking their hands, sharing a joke, I couldn't help but think that they had already won. I tried to ignore that thought, however, there wasn't much I could do in that moment to prove I had the upper hand. Especially as I didn't have the upper hand. All of my decisions were being made for me. Except for my future, I still had that.

I strolled around the party, Daichi moderately behind me, as I weaved in and out, giving small smiles as I passed. I found Kazuna by some people she was discussing art with. I gave them all a smile and took her aside.

"This party boring or what?" I sighed, slumping against a wall.

Kazuna looked at me with a raised brow. "I mean, it was until I found those people."

"Were you really having fun though?"

"I was proving them wrong," She shrugged, "Of course I was."

I rolled my eyes. "I just can't be bothered with this. We have exams. I just want to sleep."

"Why don't we sneak off then?" I heard a voice behind me recommend.

"Because I'm being watched," I poked my finger at Daichi near by.

"Didn't you sneak off to the movies with him?" Another voice questioned.

I turned to the twins and smirked. "You guys really wont let that go."

"You left us behind and made us cover for you," Hikaru pouted.

Kaoru folded his arms, "I think we deserve a stolen moment with you."

I shook my head, "It isn't just Daichi watching me though." I sighed and looked around at all the security, at the Ootori's and then at the Kurosawa's. "I'm being watched by everyone. And even if I disappear and they think Niko took me, I'll still be blamed."

"You worry too much. Niko hasn't been around for months," Kazuna scoffed, and looked between the twins and I, who all looked very on edge. "Well, I'm going back there to argue with those art losers some more. See you later."

And with that, she was gone with a swish of her long black hair.

The twins turned to me.

"You still haven't told her?" Hikaru asked me.

"I just- I don't know how," I sighed, "When I came back she was already criticising the act and everything. I couldn't just straight out say it was real, especially when everyone else joined in."

"But you've been back for weeks," Kaoru pointed out.

"There's never a right time to tell someone that the fake stabbing was a real one committed by an ex boyfriend who is now missing." I looked away. "I will one day, but not for now."

As the twins were about to discuss this further, thankfully Yuuichi approached us and asked for me to meet some people. I followed behind, Daichi close behind, and smiled for the guests I was introduced to.

"Hello, Rin," an extremely tall woman in a white pantsuit greeted me, "Your uncle has told us much about you."

"As well as your cousin here," a man, shorter than the massive tree of a woman, smiled up at Yuuichi, obviously trying to get into his good books.

"Oh well, I'm honoured," I smiled as I shook their hands. 

"Rin, this here is Ueda Junko," Yuuichi introduced the tall woman. "And this is, Akiyama Hanzo." The smaller man grinned at me. "They are the heads of the Ootori research committee. Do you recall when Kyoya took your club to one of our resorts?" I nodded. "They are behind those projects."

I looked at them with fake enthusiasm. "Wow, that's amazing! I mean, the detail in everything was so accurate to the real habitat of all those plants and animals. Though, thanks to our little trip you were able to realise that some kind of protection should have been used between the alligators and the visitors."

Ueda looked me up and down with a faker smile than my own. "We never thought visitors would venture so far into the uncharted areas."

"No harm done, though," Akiyama laughed, still beaming. Yuuichi joined in, and Ueda looked away. "Well, your uncle has shown us your work and you are definitely promising. And as we told him, you would be a valuable asset to our team. And the learning experience for you, well, you wouldn't get it anywhere else."

"Oh, you've spoken to my uncle about this?"

"He approached us," Ueda told me, letting me know it wasn't her idea. "But I have to agree, your assistance would be extremely useful for us, and will keep the Ootori name close in the committee. You'd be a great face for us."

"What do you think, Rin?" Yuuichi nudged me.

"Well, I'll definitely consider it," I smiled politely, "Its something to move onto after Harvard."

"Oh Harvard?" Akiyama questioned. "You'd need no university experience. We have the top experts so it would be like an apprenticeship, but you'd get your degree at the end."

"Your uncle told us that was exactly what you were looking for?" Ueda smirked.

"Oh yes, well, who knows what I'm looking for?" I laughed, though Ueda's expression didn't change, "Its good to have options."

"Its also good to show interest," Ueda lifted her brow. 

I wavered for a moment before I saw Mr Ootori leave the main room with some men. "I'm sorry, if you'll excuse me, I  just have to check in with an old friend."

After bowing, I headed straight for the exit to find Mr Ootori. Something told me that the meeting was less about my options and more about my direct insight into my future according to the Ootori's. Once I found him, I greeted his guests and asked to have a moment with my uncle.

When we were out of earshot, I turned on him, "So why exactly did Yuuichi push me into the corner of the Ootori research committee? And why are they so sure I won't be attending Harvard?"

"I never thought you were truly considering Harvard," he lied to me.

"I have a mentor, uncle," I scoffed, "Kinda shows my commitment to getting in."

"I thought he was just a mentor in general."

I laughed, "No you didn't. Stop lying to me, uncle. Stop keeping me out of the picture while making my life choices, and tell me directly what it is that you want me to consider."

"You must consider taking their offer," he said directly looking me in the eye.

I stared him down, "I considered it. For a second," I shrugged, "But Harvard is on my mind and I'm going. I've never worked so hard towards anything in my life."

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