15 - Mother, Brother, Show Time!

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This particular time when I left for LA spontaneously, I sent all the Host club members a text to let them know where I was going. I thought I should seeing how concerned they all were. Of course I knew Hikaru needed a bigger explanation so I had to lie so he wouldn't blow up. I just said that I had to see my mother. It almost hurt because of how concerned he was over her wellbeing and my state of mind. I wished I could've told him the truth, but the truth could be dangerous if handled wrong.

I did get slight protests from Tamaki claiming we had plans, which we didn't, do I also have him the mother lie and he dropped it straight away, becoming completely serious.

I arrived in LA and hopped into a taxi to drop off my things at my LA house. This was the house Eileen and my father stayed at more frequently, and the one I hardly ever saw. Here my room was mostly white, and there were hardly any plants seeing as I was hardly ever there to take care of them. I threw my bags into my room with the help of the doorman and maid; I had bags of stuff for my father which he told me to bring with me, I only had one suitcase for me.

Once that was done, I went downstairs and had the car called to take me to my mother, who was still in rehab. She was doing better, though she had to stay until the next year. We took the scenic route to the outskirts of LA, despite the desert land with amazing scenery around, I missed the greenery and land of Japan. I knew I could never live in America completely.

I arrived at the private rehab house, past security, and was told my mother was sitting outside with my half brother. There I found them both in bathing suits, on sun loungers, quietly soaking up the sun side by side.

"I hope you're both wearing sun screen," I chuckled as they both jumped at the sound of my voice.

My mother, regaining her calm, rolled her eyes beneath her sunglasses and flipped her long blonde extensions over her shoulder. "Oh, Rin, you know I take good care of my skin, but right now I need to tan." She smiled a big white, shiny smile, and got up to hug me, feeling less bony than she had at the start of summer. "This is such a surprise!" She beamed, still holding me, "You never said anything about coming over!"

"I thought I'd surprise you!" I smirked, hoping she wouldn't catch onto my fake enthusiasm. She dragged me towards a sun lounger next to Alex and sat me on it. She then brushed Alex's legs off his lounger and sat in their place across from me, making Alex sit up to face me too. She watched me intensely, resting her chin in her hands, propping her elbows up on her bony knees. She was almost like a small child when she was in rehab, but I guessed it was because of the way she was treated.

"You don't just surprise people," Alex mumbled, flicking his overgrown blonde fringe out of his face.

I scowled and accepted the sunglasses my mother passed to me from the employee, as I was facing the sun. "Actually, I'm here to see my dad's premier, but seeing as my exams are over for now, I thought I'd come see you both for a week. And by see you both, I mean see you, Mom, and annoy you, Alex."

He pulled a face back at me, and settled back into his chair. My mom clapped her hands excitedly, "he said you weren't going to go to the premier, but this is great! I thought I wasn't going to see you until Christmas!"

"I changed my mind," I shrugged and tied up my long, pink hair into a messy bun. "It was a last minute decision really."

"Like last time," Alex mumbled, and changed his position so he could see my reaction. I stuck my tongue out at him, I always felt childish with him around.

"Last time," my mother lightly swatted him over the head, "Rin was having time away from her boyfriend. Who I now believe is your ex?"

"You believe rightly," I replied in a slightly posh voice.

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