18 - Aftermath That's Actually Worse Than Math

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Apparently Ootori private investigators were also used for my situation. They came the next day and, with a nurse by my side, I told them my account of what had happened. And it was extremely painful to go through again. The images in my mind weren't at all hazy; they were vivid and horrifying. I didn't let my parents come in. I didn't want them to hear what excruciating detail I had to go into.

" This is the only way I can win," I finished, a tear sliding down my face despite the raw anger I felt. "That's what he said before he ran off."

The investigators nodded, asked a few more questions and cleared up the Niko situation so far - which wasn't so much cleared up as he couldn't be found at all. I stared at the investigators as if I had been stabbed again. My psycho ex-boyfriend was on the loose and no one knew where he was, and it almost felt like they were hardly trying to find him.

The nurse sent them away and I sat there silently, not responding to the staff at all. I didn't know how much time had gone by until I noticed my father and Eileen coming through the door. It was more like Eileen was pushing my father in but he made his own way to my bedside.

"Have you told mom yet?" I asked him with a croak. I folded my arms, trying my best to look mad despite being incredibly weak.

He shook his head, not looking my way. "I meant what I said yesterday."

"Of course you did," I murmured under my breath.

"You're just as bad as each other!" Eileen sighed with exasperation and came round to the other side of my bed. "Rin, you're father isn't being one hundred percent honest with you about the whole situation."

"What?" I turned to her, still angry.

"Kaito," Eileen looked at my father, her cool eyes staring straight into him. "Tell her the truth. She deserves to know the entire truth seeing as she's in here."

"It sounds like you're blaming me," my father growled, sounding very much like me, which I didn't notice at that moment.

"Kaito, we've been over this. I'm not blaming you for what happened, but Rin needs to know exactly what part you play in this," Eileen scowled.

"What part you play? Is this some kind of movie?" I choked, suddenly laughing with a ridiculous thought. "Because if you got me stabbed to film a movie about it or something - that is just dark, dad, really fucking dark."

"Language!" Eileen hissed.

I turned to my father and raised my eyebrow, waiting for him to say something.

"When I ran away from home and made my future as a director, I wasn't entirely helpless," He sighed. I groaned, thinking it'd be another story about the Ootori fortune. "It was the Kurosawa's family who gave me the money to start my career."


"They paid me straight into the spotlight. I knew Kurosawa from my own school days and thought the money could help," he mumbled, still not looking at me directly from guilt. "They paid for my first big movie. And I've been dealing with them and their money ever since."

It took me a moment to process. A moment where I hushed my dad from talking anymore until I had thought long and hard. I took a deep breath and came up with a response. "What does that have to do with my stabbing?"

"Rin, I used mafia blood money to start my career. I used the mafia for my movies, and now we're in deep. Suddenly, you started to date one of them and to be honest I was worried you'd find out." My father finally took a look at me and his voice wavered. "I-I never expected that he'd be a psychopathic loser, Rin, I swear."

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