29 - Its Coming Together

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We listened to my brother intently, every single one of us including my parents. It somehow felt like everything fell into place so perfectly, and so I was obviously anxious as hell asuming that something must go wrong for everything to be so right. I had to keep reminding myself that the information and blackmail we had against the Kurosawa's was brilliant, but the hard part was meeting them and convincing them to make a deal. I didn't want a fight at all.

With the information gathered, and us all knowing things about my brother that we would never of guessed, we sat down to make a plan. Now the Kurosawa's knew I was out of school, but Dad had convinced Uncle Ootori to make sure my excuse was mental health based so the Kuroswa's wouldn't ask any questions. The Host Club made their excuse of group bonding in Thailand without Honour Student Haruhi, they even managed to craft photoshopped images of their "Thailand Time" using Hikaru and Kaoru's photoshop skills, and they had even started selling online copies of Thailand photobooks to their guests back in Japan. 

Meanwhile, I couldn't visit any of my old friends apart from a select few who could keep a secret. With that, my father and his crew got to work filming "his latest project" using my friends and I to make a homestyle looking action/horror. I didn't know if it would work but it was worth the try. It was completed over three days of filming and was sent to be edited for a further two days. In that time, we were setting up a Premier. Once the film was brought back in its hopeful finished form, we all sat in the living room to watch it. The two main stars was myself and Eileen, and the supporting cast were amazing. Mori actually talked more in this film than he had this entire year, and he wasn't robotic at all. We got him and Hunni to do stunts and fight scenes, dressing up as the main monsters. I had to admit, it was actually really good. Tamaki was extremely distressed that most of his scenes were cut but that was because his acting was more theatre based, or at least that's what I told him to make him stop weeping and growing mushrooms in the basement.

The Premier was set for that Friday, the whole of LA generating a buzz about Kato Taylor's spur of the moment horror/thriller about the crazed mind of a single girl, where the contents of her subconscious spills into her reality. We had invited anyone and everyone, including the Kurosawa's. My father had taken a personal call with Mr Kurosawa to make sure he'd personally come seeing as my father hardly used their money for this one and wanted to prove his skill, or whatever the hell he told him to get the Kurosawa's to come without suspicion .

On the Thursday night, I sat with my friends in the living room, watching movie after movie while my father was out at dinner with the Kurosawa's to make sure there was no suspicion at all. I was anxious for all the right reasons, and absolutely stir crazy. We watched movie after movie until my brother had left for bed, along with Hunny, Mori and Kyoya. Tamaki was asleep in the corner with my friend Lily's dog. Lily and my other two friends Mason and Amethyst were all getting drunk outside by the pool. They wanted me to join them, but I was too fidgety and anxious. Kaoru had just left for bed, which left Hikaru and I alone. As tired as he looked, he didn't move a muscle towards going to bed. He sat beside me, arm over my shoulders, making sure I was okay. 

"You can go if you're tired," I finally said to him, as the movie had finished and the endless credits were playing. 

He turned to me, hazel eyes staring into my soul as he shook his head. "Not a chance, I won't go until you do."

"We both know that's not going to happen," I sighed, my gaze drifting towards the poolside out the glass doors. "You know I can stay up all night if anxiety is determined enough."

"Don't I know it," he chuckled, his arm squeezing me a little tighter. "I've been on the other end of the phone when you have."

I groaned, "And Kaoru!"

"Way to make it less special," he teased as I almost took back what I said for fear I'd hurt him. He was made of way thicker stuff then when I first met him, jealous of anyone having other friends. 

"Sometimes I forget how much you've been there for me," I mumbled, deciding to relax into his body.

"Sometimes I forget how much you're there," he rested his head against mine. "Through all the chaos, you were there trying to spread light. And none of us even knew about Niko until-"

"That doesn't matter," I stopped him as mentioning Niko would ruin the entire moment. "You were there through it all. If it weren't for you, I may have never broken up with him."

"And all this would've never happened," he sighed.

"No!" I jumped up to say, staring at him directly. Tamaki stirred as well as the Pomeranian. "Because if I was still with him I'd be more hurt than ever. He could've stabbed me and dumped me somewhere. Or I could've lived my entire miserable existence controlled by him. I don't care what I've been through because I know none of it could be worse than what it could've been. And I could never be more happy that you're here with me."

He leaned in and kissed me, my friends whooping outside as they saw, causing Tamaki and the Pomeranian to wake up. For a second a thought he was going to start attacking Hikaru for "publicly shaming his daughter" but instead smiled and said he was going to bed, wishing me luck for tomorrow.

"This will all be over soon," Hikaru soothed once I relaxed back against him as we were alone once more. 

"It will be over one way or another," I muttered.

"Don't think like that!" He argued in shock.

"Its hard not to. If everything goes wrong I'll be dead!"

"So we need to make sure you don't die!"

"Easier said and done."

"Well to further reassure you; the entire Ootori force has been slowly shipped out over this last week to assist. You will be protected from your head to your foot," He told me, kissing the top of my head. "I'm not losing you. Not to Niko, not to the Kurosawa's and not to death, again."

I kissed him once more, because there was no other way of showing my gratitude. I stared over at my friends by the pool, laughing and giggling and thankfully not drunkly drowning. This was how they spent their time with confiscated phones.

I jumped up and grabbed Hikaru's hand, "Let's join them."

"Your disorderly friends in danger of drowning?" He asked, socially horrified. 

"As if that almost wasn't us in that fountain!" I laughed out loud, "One drink and a swim. We can watch the sun rise!"

"You also need to get sleep."

"When we see the sun rise we will nap until we have to get ready, sound good?"

I could obviously see that Hikaru wasn't exactly keen on the idea, mostly because of the language barrier between him and my crazy friends, but I knew he'd do it for me. I wanted to show him as much life as I could before the premier, just in case. He needed to come right out of that Hitachiin shell, not that he had to discard it completely, but just so he knew he could live outside his comfort zone. 

My friends named me the Lioness, as they were out of their minds, and viewed me as the Queen of Chaotic living. My experience had topped their crazy years, as they were usually in search of crazy happenings and danger, it just seemed to find me. We watched the purple skies turn to pink then orange as we finished off the champagne, toasting to never-ending youth.

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