Finding Kate

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•Detective Alexander Radley•

Badge 17726

After giving Debbie one last glare I said, "Go check out that bullet from two nights ago, I want to know who was trying to kill her." Rushing out after Kate I got just in time to see a cab racing off.

Dashing to my squad car, I drove off, only to be lost in a sea of taxis. Sighing in defeat I banged my head against the steering wheel and returned to the police department.

"Don't loose this one son." My dad's word floated in my head as I walked past his office, himself and Debbie discussing the bullet.

But I wasn't interested in them right now. I was headed to a place that seemed to be a myth, seeing as only forensic staff ever visits; Tech Assist. A place where those who don't understand why Wifi is needed find all their answers.

I knocked before opening the door and saw a young teenager with a name tag. "Ahh, Detective Radley, what's up my man?" Martin smiled and held his hand out. I shook it and looked around, this room was the size of a broom closet.

"I was wondering if you could track a cell phone?" I asked and Martin laughed and nodded.

"Cheating girlfriend?" He grinned and I laughed slightly and shook my head. "Number?" He asked and I handed him the piece of paper with her number on it.

He typed it into his computer and hummed along with the headphones around his neck that were blasting heavy metal music.. "Well, whoever owns this phone is smart, it's off.....but I can tell you who they called last."


"Benjamin Franks?" The woman who worked the records room asked quizzically and pulled out the very thin file.

She handed it to me and smiled. "Good luck detective." She said before walking back to her desk.

I read the file over and over again with no luck. There was only three things; Name, Birthdate, and Notes.

But it made no sense, the notes section just had two words, Franklin Kingsley.

I thought for a while and looked up at Stacey. "Hey, Stacey? Do you have any files on..Franklin Kingsley?"

She stood up and looked around before smiling and came over with a key. "A whole filing cabinet actually. From the DA's office until they stop the flooding issues." She said and dropped the key in my hand.

I nodded my head at her and walked towards the overflowing filing cabinet. Taking a deep breath I opened the cabinet and slowly read the names on each file and my breathing hitched. Benjamin Franks, Kathrine Wallace, and a Nathan Winchester were the largest files and had red stamps on them saying, Top Secret.

"Stacey, mind if I borrow these for a few minutes?" I asked and rushed towards the copy machine.


Beaming like a child left in a candy store with a hundred dollar bill I took the rest of the day off and spent reading their files.

Nathan Winchester, 29, Deceased.

Second Degree Pinkerton Agent, third in line for CEO and Head of Pinkerton Agency.

No family known, killed in 2008 during explosion. Only relations, his fiancé Kathrine Wallace, his partner, who was presumed dead as well in the fire.

My heart felt a pang of something. First jealousy and then confusion but I pressed on.

Benjamin Franks, 78, Alive

First Degree Pinkerton Agent, CEO and Head of Pinkerton Agency.

Two children and three grandchildren. Wife and brother both deceased.

So this was Benjamin Franks. In the following pages were his history and his location as of last year. Hopefully he was still there. Finally I found the one thing I had been searching for for the past two days.

Kathrine Wallace, 28, Deceased

Youngest First Degree Pinkerton Agent, Second in Line for CEO and Head of Pinkerton Agency.

Mother, Father, Brother, Sister-in-Law, and Fiancé, all deceased as of two days ago. Died during a mission in '08 along with fiancé Nathan Winchester.

I gripped the copied files I had as I sat in my car, trying to memorize every fact and every detail. Each file contained track records, history, and information about past missions.

Finally after three days of paper work and inner debates I got the courage and made my way to Benjamin Franks house. But on the way, I saw a silver Aston Martin Virage Convertible fly by, way over the speed limit.

Turning directions I raced after the car and soon both cars were parked on the side of the road. I stepped out of my Mustang Convertible and walked towards the car infront of me.

Peering over my aviators I held in a gasp. The woman had curly brown hair with dyed red and black tips. She wore big sunglasses hiding her eyes and had a short white sundress on, her bright blue bathing suit visible under it.

"Is there a problem officer?" She asked her Spanish accent thick yet her voice sounded familiar.

"Do you realize you were speeding m'am?" I asked her sliding my sunglasses off my face and heard her take in a gasp as she stared at me.

It was hard to tell what she was exactly gasping at but she shook her head. "Well I was in a hurry..." She said and I sighed and stepped back.

"I'll need you to step out of the car and hand me your license and registration."

The woman nodded and slowly stepped out, revealing her bare feet. "Did I do something wrong officer?"

"Yes, you didn't follow the laws, you know everyone has to follow them, right?"

She nodded and said more to herself than me, "I know I have to follow the laws...I just choose not to."

I dropped my sunglasses and stared at her. That sounded so farmiliar and I couldn't help but step towards her.

She stepped back every time I stepped forward until finally she bumped into the car.

I stood so our noses where barely touch and breathed in her farmiliar coconut shampoo and her spritz of fancy perfume to 'jazz' things up.

Everything came rushing back and I felt slightly hurt, more like very hurt. She had been engaged and every time I got close to her she would build her walls higher and higher.

Slowly and cautiously I reached up and slid her sunglasses up to rest on her head then brushed a loose strand of hair out of her face.

And before I knew what I was doing, I wrapped my arms around her protectively and nuzzled my head in her neck and whispered, "Kate...why'd you leave me?"

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