Honey I'm Home and I Brought Some Friends

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¿Kathrine Wallace?

Pinkerton Agent, V.P.

Right after I was dragged out I was literally thrown into my cell by the guards. An angry Nathan stormed in and just looked at me as if he didn't know what to do. I glared up at him and my jaw nearly dropped as I noticed something. No, my memory's hazy, it's not possible. I studied him closer but he left before I could prove my theory.

For the next three days I was not prohibitted to leave my room. The only communication I had was talking to the wall and listening to a panicing Nathan telling his mom they had to do it now! Then I'd hear her sigh and go on and on on why they had to wait a few more days. I spent the next week thinking, planning, and listening. What were they up to? Should I be worried? What should I do? What was this infamous plan? Who made this delicious cheeseburger and how did they know how I liked it cooked?

I swear I could have died from boredom or could have been killed by curiosity but two weeks later I was dragged out to the main room. All the lights out as per usual excepted for that one spotlight. But when my eyes went to the chair I loathed, I found someone else was in my seat. The light fell upon a man, his brown hair shaggy and covering his tanned and dirty skin was a black jacket and jeans, just like the outfit I was wearing. His lips, though barely visible, were busted and chapped but formed a boyish grin. He let out a hoarse laugh and shook his head at what Nathan had just said.

Nathan then stood up from his crouched position and swung a quick uppercut at the man's stomach making him double over, his handcuffs restraining him from fighting back. Nathan laughed and looked over his shoulder, smiling at me. "Ah, Kathrine! Just in time for my latest offer! Either your information or this man's life." He said and I glared. "What makes you think I'd save this stranger's life when I could protect mine?" Nathan's grin was wider than the Chesire Cat, and a lot more maniacle. "Because of who he is. Just think Katie, it could be anyone. Poor Daddy...or perhaps beloved Brody. Or maybe.." He said and paused, letting me finish. "Alex." I said, not able to hide the fear and panic in my voice. My heart broke at the thought and I balled my fists up ready to strike. But the man spoke, and my facade fell apart. "Katie?" A familiar voice asked as light flooded the whole room. I squinted my eyes and took a step forward as I saw the man lift his head and meet my gaze.

"Alex." I breathed and before I knew it I was running towards him. But I was stopped. "Him or you Katie, we haven't got all day." Nathan sneered and I looked at the wrinkled hand, long blood red nails digging into my skin. "Don't do it Kate." I heard Alex whisper in a gruff whisper. I looked to my right to see the one restraining me and was taken aback at what I saw. An old woman, who was surprisingly extremly strong glared at me and she looked similar to Debbie, as if this was her mom not Nathan's. "Ms. Winchester." I said and watched as a guard neared me. The old me took over, and I let her do her worst. Soon the guard was disarmed and laying on the ground while a gun was pressed to Ms. Winchester's head. "Let him go Winchester." I snapped and Nathan shrugged. "Go ahead." He said and I clicked the safety off, surprising him. "What was the last thing I said to you?"

"What?" Nathan asked and was completely confused. "Last thing I ever said to you?" He thought and said, "Kate, it's been years..How could I remember?" I sighed and said, "Come on...what was the last thing I ever said to you on that mission in o'eight?" He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "You said you couldn't just abort the mission."

"No." I said and his frown fell into a slight gasp in confusion. "What? I could have sworn..." My smile grew at his words and I said, "I loved Nathan so much...the last thing I said to him was I'll miss you. I knew I would never see him again. I kissed him and said, good bye, for good." I growled and quickly hit the woman on the back of the head just to knock her unconcious before shooting that man in the lower chest. "My Nathan died along time ago. I don't know who you are but I do know one thing, you never were and will never be the man I loved." I said as the man fell back. The guards rushed to aid their leader as I rushed to Alex's side and started working on his handcuffs.

"Never leave me again. Partners remember?" He whispered in my ear and I laughed softly, forgetting where we were. All I knew was this was the happiest I'd been in three months. "When did you get here?" I asked and he counted on his fingers. "Two or three weeks ago. Hey were you that woman in the base-"

But I was pulled back to reality as the man who had pretended to be my Nathan coughed up and yelled at his guards, "You imbeciles! Seize them!"

A guard rushed towards us and I stopped worrying about Alex's bound arms as the guard who had given me those scars all those years ago grabbed me from behind. A quick elbow to the solar plexus, an instep, a fist to the nose, and another elbow to the groin later I was free and dealing with the other two guards while the rest dealt with a commotion outside.

But the two guards were having a little trouble because they were handcuffed together. I looked around confused but then saw a grinning Alex who was beaming in victory. But then it all went from a stealth mission to a full out war.

Agent Jeremy and Agent Kyle, who had taken Alex here I presumed, dealt with the bigger guys as they ran back in the warehouse in fear. Somehow our guys had managed to infiltrate enemy lines and barged into the warehouse fully loaded. A familiar nurse quickly called out "Katie! Run." as Alex grabbed my hand and dodged the bullets flying throughout the air, bangs and crashes surrounding us.

I was tossed a phone and they tried to tell me something but a swarm of bullets just missed me so we kept running. We were met with knives, grenades, guns, every weapon imaginable. I didn't know who's they were, why they were here, or why use all of that but after another near miss I gave up my questions. We kept running, hand in hand as we tried to leave our troubles behind. We weaved our way out of the building and into a Range Rover, driving throughout the mountains we were in. Adrenaline pumping through my veins, I didn't even bother to ask where we were. For once I didn't wonder how they found me, or how long it took, or who was involved. For once I just wanted to be saved, to go home and have a shower and a cup of cocoa.

Alex swerved and sped down the steep slopes but then something happened. A click, then a boom, and suddenly the Range Rover was airborne, flipping until finally the car lay upside down on the side of the road, smoke pouring out of the engine. We climbed out of the Rover bruised and shaken but continued to get away as quickly as possible, just as second blast from the car jolting us forward.

We ran and hiked and climbed and slid trying to escape but in the end were hopelessly lost. Covered in cuts and dirt, we carried on in silence until we had to duck for cover as it began to rain.


Alex and I had finished making a canopy as we leaned back against the wide tree behind us. We sighed simultaneously and I leaned my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "I was getting worried I'd never find you." He whispered looking at our muddy sneakers. "Funny, I was getting worried I'd never be found by you." I said and looked up at him.

"That wasn't Nathan back there." I smiled slightly. His eyes saddened a little then flared up on anger at my next words. "Turns out he died during that mission. The man back there had surgery, they probably interrogated him until they knew everything about him then killed him. Whoever that guy was killed my family and bombed that hotel. He's in charge of that group I accidentally discovered. In fact he was behind it all right from the get go. He knew where I was because of Officer Debbie, whom I'm guessing is the imposter's sister."

He sighed and we fell into a silence, not knowing what to say to each other. So I looked down at that phone and opened it up. I decided to call and see what needed to be done but the calls kept going to voicemail. I started getting worried but then Alex rubbed my back, as if sensing my despair. "It's gonna be alright. We found you didn't we? You've done whatever you could, let them finish your battle for once." He whispered and I sighed before nodding my head and leaned my head on his shoulder.

I slowly started drifting off, the adrenaline wearing away. The last thing that happened was Alex whispering, "Even though you are soaking wet and muddy and are kinda bleeding and have tons of bruises and-" I shot up a soft glared and said, "Your point?" He chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "You're beautiful." He stated simply and I laughed softly before leaning on his shoulder once more and falling asleep in his arms.

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