Laughing Gas Can Make You Do Crazy Things

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•Detective Alexander Radley•

Badge 17726

Kate lay in the back of the van beside me, both of us bound by the ankles and wrists, but I was also gagged unlike her.

She had been shot by a tranquilizer and the two men in the front had whispered about her on high dosages of Inhalation Sedation, more likely known as Laughing Gas.

Her eyes fluttered open and confusion was clear on her face. "Who's the hottie?" She asked herself and stared at me. In any other situation I would have laughed, but not while we were being abducted and no doubt about to be killed.

"Ohhhh, you're Alex! Hi Alex, wanna ditch this strange place and go eat something because I am starvinggggg!" She exclaimed and then turned to the men in the front who were both looking at us as we came to a red light.

"Hey driver, drop us off at the nearest Five Guys, ok?" She asked and they only looked at each other and then back at her both shaking their heads. "Oh Em Gee!!" She exclaimed and squealed clapping her hands. "You two are a bromance aren't you?!" She said and their jaws dropped.

"What?" The bigger guy, his fists clenching the steering wheel tightly, asked as we drove through a dark alley. "You know, bromance! You both have snake tattoos. You've heard the song right? You haven't? Ok here's how it goes!" She said and started singing completely off pitch, "Bromance, Bro-o-o-mance." She then began rapping as we came to a complete stop. "It's like Eminem and Dr. Dre. If I loved you more I might be gay. And when I'm feeling down, you know just what to say. You're my homie. Yeah ya know me. And if you ever need a wingman I'd let any girl blow me off. Cause you're more important than the rest. I confess I'm a mess if I'm not hangin' with my BFF. You know it's true. You my male boo! Now sing the chorus with me if you're feeling the same way too!"

But before she could continue the back doors swung open and she was gagged and lifted up. I squirmed trying to get free and was set down behind the car as they dealt with a very difficult Kate who was motioning for me to run.

I carefully stood up and started hopping off. Thankfully no one noticed me and I looked back, seeing Kate staring at me. I started to go back but she shook her head and gave me a look that said, "I'll be ok. Just keep running." With a heavy heart I started jumping away and after ten minutes made it to an all night diner that was happy to help me get out of my bindings and let me borrow their phone.

¿Kathrine Wallace?

Pinkerton Agent, V.P.

Although the laxative was strong I had been trained ages ago to concentrate and escape from a drug's evil grasp, something Nathan had missed while messing around with his girlfriend at the time, something I should have taken as a sign. I had to keep the act up if we wanted to escape. But something happened I didn't expect. They had left Alex alone while they tried tightening my loose bindings. Thankfully he was able to escape. They sent about ten men to go and find him and I did something I've never done. I prayed.

I begged God to let Alex escape. That he wouldn't be fine and that he would just leave me. He had a life, and I had mine. If he had stayed any longer he would have known that this was just the meeting spot, that I would be taken up the coast to their warehouse.

A part of me wished he would've stayed, or that he would save me, but that wasn't part of the plan. I left everything I knew with people I trusted my life with, and I knew that they would never forget me or anything I had told them.

As I was loaded into the black SUV I felt a tear slip but I took a gulp and stared straight at the men that surrounded me in the back of the van. I gave then a glare and motioned to my gag. They ripped it off and knew that there were listening devices so Nathan could hear it all, he might of been the brains in our partnership but now I was the bronze and the brains.

I slowly growled my words in an angry yet calm voice that didn't sound like me."I'm not afraid of you, or any of your men for that matter. Let's just say you should be the one afraid because I dare you to do your worst to me at your headquarters. Just know one thing, whatever you do won't matter because I'm expecting it all. And believe me, I'm more than ready to die."

Author's Note

Please tell me what you guys think will happen? Let's hear your theories!! Thanks for reading, there'll be more in a day or two!

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