Lunch Date

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¿Kathrine Wallace?
Pinkerton Agent, V.P.

I have to say, I do look ravishing with blonde hair and green eyes. I had to stop from laughing every time I ran into Alex, he was suspicious, but no doubt wondering if he could trust 'Selena'.

Boy he was clueless, and he was a detective! But he was pretty handsome, his thick brown locks seeming like those characters in books, his hair practically daring me to run a hand through it, and believe me, I never back down from a dare, and I don't plan on backing down on that one.

He has these stormy bluish gray eyes that always look into mine with deep interest, and he seems to always be thinking. Then his smile, lopsided like any boys, always seeming to be hiding something from me, almost like keeping something funny to himself.

Then there's his personality, goofy and craving adventure, yet serious and brave. He seemed to be one of those older brother kind of guys, very protective; not that it would benefit either of us, it's like trying to protect a wild tiger from the stampede of gazelle leaping by.

I must have been staring because I could see Alex's goofy grin and said, "See anything like?" He smiled and I grinned before saying, "Yes, your eyelashes! What mascara do you use to make them so long?!" He laughed and said, "Maybelline's new product! I'll lend it to you, you need it more than me." He said and I glared at him.

"Hardy Har Har, very funny." I grumbled and saw our target walking into the hotel's packed restaurant. I grabbed Alex's hand, causing him to jump as I dragged him in, and a waiter lead us to the table behind 'Richard Case'.

"Why aren't you sitting with him? Isn't he your friend?" He whispered to me and I replied, "He's your friend too. Why don't you go over first?"

He opened his mouth to protest but only sighed. I grinned glad to call his bluff but then he stood up and walked over. "Richard? Is that you?" He asked grinning happily and Richard looked up from his menu surprised then confused.

My chair slid back abruptly as I immediately stood up ready to save Alex, my green eyes wide in surprise. To be honest the moment I saw him I quickly forgave him. He had come to help me, it was only fair I help him as well.

"Richard Case? It's been a while." I said walking over and his confusion was immediately replaced with happiness and slight eagerness. "It's Selena! Remember San Fran, '08?" I smiled and he studied me closely and smiled.

"Who's this, Selena?" Richard asked and Alex smiled. "Robert, San Fran '08." Richard smiled slightly at Alex and soon all three of us were sitting down. I flirted slightly but mostly asked where Rick had been traveling for the past six years.

Everything was going smoothly and I was ready to start my plan by inviting Richard back to my room when Alex decided to pay. It seemed to go in slow motion. Alex placed his credit card on the check but it was knocked over by a couple very ready to go back to their room for some alone time.

The card fell off the table and Richard leaned down and grabbed it. He looked at is and smiled. "Chase, nice choice...I have the same card mys...." He began and his smile slowly faded as he read the name on the card.

Richard gave a fake laughed and then looked closer at me. "Hey babe, wanna go back to your room?" He grinned and I gulped in fear; did he catch us in our lie? I hid my worry as I blushed before nodding and the three of us left after Alex paid.

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