chapter 3

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- Hercules -

Lafayette was back. I don't know why, but hey, I'm not complaining.

Alex and John ended up coming over. The rain had slowed a little bit for a while so they came to see me. Now that it was picking back up, we were trying to keep Alex calm. Maybe Laf could be a good distraction?

But first I had to help him. He came to my door crying, after all. His clothes were once again soaked, and he looked freezing. Remembering his other pair of clothes from earlier, I led him into the apartment and told him I had put his clothes from earlier in the bathroom.

"Soooo... who was that?" John smirked, holding Alex close to his chest. They were both flopped on the couch together, Alex on top of John, trembling slightly and trying to stay calm. I was proud of him for building up the courage to come over in the storm despite his PTSD. He's like a little brother to me, even though he's only a few years younger than me.

"Um, a guy I ran into earlier. He needed help with directions so I obviously helped him out. And gave him my number if he ever needed anything. He had a date tonight. And, um, from what I can see, it didn't go too well." I tried to explain. Alex looked up at me with a matching smirk, trying to play off his nervousness.

"Mhmm. Maybe he's here because he likes you more than the date and that's all an act." Alex mumbled. That poor little ball of anxiety, trying to be cool. Ok, I'll go with it. I rolled my eyes playfully and sat in the chair next to them.

"I doubt it. And Alex, just because he's here doesn't mean you need to pretend like you're okay, alright? It's cool." I told him. His fake smirk wavered and he gave me a soft and thankful smile, before kissing John and burying himself back in John's chest.

Lafayette finally emerged from the bathroom looking better. His eyes were still slightly red rimmed and he sniffles a bit, but definitely much better. I waved him over to me and had him sit down.

"First off, this is John and this is Alex, since I know you're wondering. Second, what happened to you, man? You looked like a mess when you got here." I said to him. He looked up at me sadly and replied,

"Oui, my girlfriend Adrienne broke up with me at the date. I thought it would be good news. I was very wrong. But I'll get over it eventually I guess." He said.

"Ahh, that sucks. But hey, you'll find someone better, huh?" I asked. Can it be me? I thought to myself.

"I hope so. Oh, and how rude of me. Bonjour John and Alex, my name is Lafayette, but most people just call me Laf." He smiled at them and John waved at him. Alex lifted his head for a moment and nodded, until thunder boomed and lighting outside flashed through the curtains. He jumped and whimpered, shaking as John rocked him gently and shushed him in a soft and loving tone.

Lafayette gave me a confused look about what was going on with them so I motioned for him to come with me to the kitchen so I could explain.

"Alex has storm related PTSD issues, so everytime there's a storm he freaks out. He's dating John, by the way. And usually they wouldn't come out when it's rainy like this but they felt bad leaving me alone on my birthday, so yeah." I explained quietly. I don't think Alex would love to hear me spreading his fear of storms to someone he doesn't even know.

"Oh, that is terrible. I feel so bad for poor Alex. And it's your birthday? You should've told me before, I wouldn't have bothered you! Happy birthday, mon ami!" He said, smiled as he spoke with his hands as well. I simply smiled back and told him it was no big deal, trying to hide my blush. Wow, I feel like a middle school girl. I handed him a beer from the fridge and he laughed, and we walked back to the couches together.

"Alex, are you doing ok? Do you want me to close the blinds?" I asked him. He was shivering against John and jumping everytime there was a noise. He made an almost cat like noise and John looked up from him and nodded at me. Laf helped me to close all the blinds and curtains so Alex couldn't see the lightning.

We both moved to close the patio curtain at once and our hands touched in the middle. For a moment, we both just stood there, both of us bright red blushing and staring at each other, until I awkwardly pulled my hand away. Making an excuse, I dashed to the bathroom to look at my bright red face and deal with...other stuff.

How did touching a hot French mans hand give me this much of a damn problem? I looked down at my pants where a small bulge was forming. Fuck, I can't go out there like this! I just met the guy and he's already giving me this type of problem.

I need to fix this fast and go back out there. But there's literally no way to do that without anyone hearing, so... putting on a longer shirt it is.

Once I'd changed into a shirt that was long enough to cover my pants, I retreated back and made an excuse about there being a hole in my original shirt. Sitting back in my chair, I went back to talking with Laf and the two of us, along with John, trying to joke around and help Alex.

But eventually, John and Alex left about an hour later when the storm got so bad that Alex was crying quietly and told John he needed to go home. We said goodbye to them and told Alex to be strong but fell back into our conversation quickly after.

Five beers each in two hours after Alex and John left, Laf and I were both very much drunk.

"You- you knowwww, your hair is sooo puffy! I wanna just rub my hands allllll over it!" I slurred, staring in admiration at Laf. He leaned out of his chair, his glass of beer spilling in his hand a little bit as he smiled.

"You're so cute! Like a little strong teddy bear. I just wanna kiss youuuuu!" He said, leaning closer to me.

"Well why don't you then?" I laughed, feeling warm and fuzzy from Laf and the large amount of alcohol I had consumed.

"D'accord, if you say so..." he said, leaning in. I prepared myself mentally, trying so hard not to squeal like a little kid.

And then I felt his warm lips on mine, and the world felt perfect and beautiful again. I could taste the beer on his lips but I didn't nod since I knew he could taste it on mine too. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we kissed until we desperately needed air, and pulled apart.

Best. Birthday. Ever.

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