chapter 4

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- Lafayette -

I groaned as I woke up on a couch, feeling my head pounding. I couldn't recall anything that happened last night. I search my brain for a while but that proves to be too much work, and along with the loud thunder outside, it doesn't help my hangover.

I move slightly and accidentally tumble to the floor. Well, isn't this just great? Standing up, I look around and suddenly remember that I'm in Hercules apartment.

I walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water and see him standing there, cooking breakfast. I never really noticed earlier but... he's pretty cute. He has that soft teddy bear vibe but also the vibe that says "I can beat you up if I need to".

"G'morning." He mumbles, smiling at me. I simply groaned in response, putting my head against the cold countertops and praying for some sort of relief.

"There's Advil in that cabinet if you need it." He said, pointing. I dashed out of my seat and downed a few of the pills, him laughing at me in the background. I glared for a moment but replaced it with a smile shortly after.

"So, please tell me I'm not the only one who has no idea what happened yesterday..." I begin, wondering if he has anymore memory than I do.

"Well, Alex and John left because the storm was getting worse and Alex got really upset, we both drank a lot according to all the cans I threw away this morning and..." I didn't hear the end of his sentence because he mumbled it too quietly. I leaned a little closer.

"I didn't hear the last part, what is it?" I said. He looked up at me and blushed.

"Um... we kissed..." I felt my face begin to turn red and I went back to sit down.

"Oh." I couldn't say anything more because my mind was racing. How did everything lead up to this? Did I kiss him or did he kiss me? Did he even want to be kissed?

"Laf, um. I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable, I know we just met and it's weird that we kissed yesterday and I hope you don't hate me because I actually kind of really was hoping we could at least be friends and," I cut him off before he could keep rambling.

"Shh, d'accord. I know it's a little, how you say? A little weird because we hardly know each other but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. But, oui, maybe we should just take it slow for now. Try being friends first." I said. He nodded in what seemed like shock. He looked like he wasn't expecting me to say all that. I simply smiled and he blushed, smiling back.

"Alright. Well, in less awkward terms, what do you want to do? I mean, if you're already here we might as well hang out..." He said. I nodded.

"Maybe we should check on le petite lion Alexander. I remember that he fears storms, no? It is still pretty rainy outside. We should try to be of some comfort to him. But I do not have his phone number, if you did want to do that... but we can do something else, after all, it is your, how you say? apartment." I thought back to Alexander, my heart hurting for him. He seemed so frightened last night.

"That's actually... a really good idea. Like, why didn't I think of that? I'll call John to see what's up with them." He said. I nodded, a little confused. What did he mean by "what's up?" Nothing is up! But nothing is down either? American, what do they call it? American slang, that's the word, confuses me.

"Yeah, I have some books and movies and stuff I can bring over. Alright. Ok, see you soon. Bye." I heard Hercules finish up the phone call and hang up.

"I gotta grab a couple things and then we can go." He told me, walking out of the kitchen, setting a plate of food in front of me as he did so. I gratefully ate it, happy that my hangover was going away quickly.

"Ready to go?" He called after I had put my plate in the sink.

"Oui!" I called. Maybe having American friends will help me improve my English. But so far, the three of them didn't seem to mind my French all that much.

We walked out the door and to his car, similar to what happened yesterday.

Hopefully, we can cheer the poor Alexander up despite the rain. I guess we'll see.

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