chapter 12

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- Hercules -

Laf and I planned on meeting for lunch the day after our date. But he wouldn't answer his phone.

I showed up at his apartment at about 12:30 to pick him up, knocking on the door with a bouquet of flowers in my hands. But he didn't answer his door either.

I twisted the doorknob gently, just to see if his apartment was unlocked. To my surprise, it was. I walked inside, calling out his name.

"Laf? Where are you?" I said, wandering around his apartment. A few things looked out of place and messed up, but otherwise everything seemed normal.

One of the windows was open, so I closed it. I found it sort of weird how Laf would leave a window open even though it was starting to get colder out and it rained often.

I walked into his bedroom, thinking he'd maybe be in there. He wasn't, but his phone was. The screen looked like it was cracked, and it was lying facedown on the floor, as if it had been dropped or fallen out of his pocket. It was still on, and I noticed all my texts and calls on the notifications screen, meaning he hadn't seen any of them.

I was starting to get kind of freaked out. It wasn't like Laf to leave his place a mess or leave the windows open or not answer anything. I shoved the phone in my pocket and began to walk faster around the apartment, searching for him.

"Laf? This really isn't funny, you can come out now. Please?" I called out, hoping he'd pop out of some hidden corner and start laughing, telling me it was all just a practical joke.

But he didn't.

I frantically dug through the whole house, looking in every place possible. Under the bed, in the closets, in the shower. But he wasn't anywhere.

I sat down on the couch after forty minutes of searching and put my face in my hands. He knew we had a date today, he wouldn't just leave. And without his phone, too.

Did I do something wrong? Did he run away, am I not good enough for him? Why did he just disappear?

There's a lot that could've happened, but one of them stuck out in my mind. His apartment was a wreck and a window was wide open. His phone was abandoned. Someone could've easily broken in here and...


This can't be happening. He couldn't have been kidnapped. Who would kidnap him? He just got here, why would someone do that?

It was a huge conclusion to jump to, but what else could've happened? I felt my eyes well with tears, feeling the fear rise within me. I'm just sitting here and he could be getting beat, drugged... raped.

My shoulders shook as the tears fell down my face in silence. My Laf, here one day and gone the next. I can't let this happen to him. He must've disappeared last night, meaning he's been gone for over 12 hours. Should I file a missing persons report?

I pulled myself together and got off the couch, brushing off my pants. I walked back to the car and drove down to the police station.

Thirty minutes later, I'd officially filed a missing persons report and the police told me they'd let me know if they got any updates or found Laf.

I tried all day to distract myself but I couldn't. I texted John and Alex, I walked around the neighborhood, I went and bought groceries, I visited my mom. But nothing could distract me.

My Laf was gone and I didn't know where he was. It seems he took my heart and concentration with him.

a/n: oof this chapter is a mess. Also I said I would update yesterday in the afternoon?? Lmao I suck at following my own plans oooops sorry!!

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