chapter 10

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- Hercules -

Luckily, our dinner went without any other flukes and I definitely felt better after Laf giving me a little pep talk. He was honestly right, we can't let anyone get to us. We're here to have a good time together and our sexuality shouldn't matter, especially to some random hostess who has no business in our lives.

Our waitress, Peggy is super sweet though. She even told us that she's gay and has a girlfriend! At the end of our date, she left her phone number scribbled on the receipt with a little smiley face, and a note saying to text her if we ever wanted to hang out with her or go on a double date with her and her girlfriend.

We quickly rushed past the hostess as we left, making sure not to pay her any attention whatsoever.

I kissed Laf's cheek as we got into the car, driving him back to his apartment. We had decided it's still much too early in our relationship to be living together, so we're just giving it some time. But I'm more than happy to kiss him.

"I had a wonderful time tonight, Hercules. Thank you." He said, smiling as he unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the car door. I nodded with a small smile.

"It was my pleasure. I'll see you soon, okay?" I said. He nodded and got out of the car, waving a little just before he closed his apartment door. I smiled to myself and drove the two minutes his place was from mine.

Hours later, I can't get him out of my head. The way he pronounces my name, more like 'Ercules' than 'Hercules'. The way his hair was so soft and puffy and he fiddles with it when he's bored. The way he smiles, and it's like the skies have opened up and heaven is sitting in front of me. His soft hands, his warm eyes, his lanky body that I can just curl into and cuddle forever.

I feel like a lovesick teenager. He makes me smile even when he isn't around. I can't help but let my mind drift to him.

Even as I'm going to sleep, I think of him. I can smell his cologne on the pillow he slept on last night. I can imagine him beside me, holding me against his chest as his steady breathing lulled me to sleep.

I feel like a whole new person with him. Our relationship is still so young and so new but I love it. Honestly, it's still early to admit out loud but I think... I think I love him.

The next morning at work, making coffee and working the cash register all day, I smiled. I was brighter than usual, and did everything happily. My coworkers gave me weird looks and asked me about it on break, but I just kept on smiling and let it be.

God, it's been so long since I've been in love like this. And it feels so amazing.

a/n: sorry for such a short chapter!! I'm trying to come up with ideas for this book atm but idk how to lead into them. I will try to update this book more often though!

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