chapter 26

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- Laf -

"What?" I asked, not fully registering what he had said. Sam gave me a smile and repeated himself.

"I bailed King out." He said, moving towards me. I backed up immediately and out my hands out. He was not coming near me, not now. Not ever.

"I don't... why would you do this?" I asked, not able to wrap my mind around anything that he was saying right now.

"He can take us again. We can be together in that nice big house, weekends all to ourselves, no Hercules to interrupt. We could have something, Laf!" He said, laughing a little at the end. Oh my god, this guy is... he has to be crazy. Who in their right mind wants to be kidnapped a second time?

"Sam. This is such a huge mistake, I can't even believe..." I began. The words wouldn't form, wouldn't fall out of my mouth.

"How is it a mistake? If we're together, how can it be a mistake?" He asked, trying to get closer to me again. He genuinely didn't see why this was a problem. If that's not a red flag...

"Listen to me very carefully, Sam. You have to listen, okay?" I began. He nodded and gave me a smile.

"I'll always listen when it's you, Laf." He said. I didn't acknowledge it. I was just so concerned and honestly, a little creeped out by his sudden switch to friend-Sam to psycho-obsessive in-love Sam.

"You can't let King know where either of us are. You can't let him take us again. Trust me, things will be so much better without him, okay? Do not tell him where either of us are. Do you understand?" I said. Sam gave me a look that I couldn't quite understand.

"But Laf, he already knows." He said. It felt like my blood had been replaced with ice-water.

"What the hell do you mean, he already knows? How do you even know where I've been staying?" I nearly shouted, the fear reaching a max. My fight or flight was going insane, begging me to sprint out of this apartment, into the streets, back to Hercules.

"Okay, I don't know where you're staying and he doesn't either. But he knows where I am. He's with us." He explained. I ran my hands through my hair, pulling curls out of my previously nicely tied-back ponytail.

"He's here? Right now?" I asked, looking around.

"You sound so surprised. What, you didn't think I'd be back so soon?"

I just about threw up on the spot. King's voice echoed from behind me and I turned around slowly, not wanting to see his face again. I would never be ready to see his face again.

I finally met his icy blue eyes, his stare unwavering as he gave me a thorough up and down. He tsk-ed to himself as he scanned my body, and I felt violated and exposed despite being fully clothed. I wanted to cover myself up. Though more than that, I wanted to run away.

"I can't believe you'd think to leave me. I thought you liked being there with me, Laf. Wasn't the mansion nice?" He said, taking a step forward. I felt like him and Sam were slowly cornering me, keeping me from leaving.

"The mansion was nice. You, not so much." I said. He pouted for a moment and looked to Sam.

"Sam thinks the mansion is nice. He thinks I'm nice too, which is why he got me out of that prison, right Sam?" He asked. Sam nodded quickly and smiled.

"Another day in that disgusting cell and you'd be a different person entirely! You'll be glad to get back the mansion, I'm sure." Sam said. They talked as if they were old friends, not a kidnapper and his kidnapped. Kidnappee? I didn't care about the logistics of the names. I just knew this situation was a mess and I needed to find a way to get out and get safe.

"Lafayette, I know you're looking for some escape. But let's face it, he's not here to save you this time. Your friend or boyfriend or whoever my cameras saw driving you two away." King said with a laugh. I didn't say anything about Herc. I knew that he'd come back for me if I didn't meet him later. We were going to meet to get food before going home. He'd come here if something seemed off. I know he will. But right now? I needed to bluff.

"I know. He doesn't know I'm here. I don't know what I'm going to do." I lied. King smiled.

"Good. Stay with us, then. We're not going back to the mansion until tomorrow. For now, Sam's little place is home sweet home. Come here, get comfortable." King said, the two of them caging next in and coaxing me into Sam's room. I had nowhere to go but where they were taking me.

I sat on the very edge of the bed while the two of them sat on the sides, waiting for me to come between them so they could pounce. I felt like a piece of meat, just some toy. It was like King and Sam were two kids on the playground and they took a toy from some other kid. Now, they just took turns playing with it, despite the fact that all the toy wants is to go back to the kid it was with before.

I didn't understand how Sam claimed to be so attached to me, but was fine with "sharing" me with King. He didn't seem to mind King doting on me, pulling me into the space between them and telling me about how much he missed having me.

I felt both disgusted and disgusting as King told me every different overly-sexual way he had missed me and all the things he said we needed to "make up for". Sam kept trying to kiss me all over, but I was able to swat both of them off for a while.

I couldn't breathe at all, couldn't find any logical sense in my head. There was no way out of here but Hercules. God, this day needs to be over so it can be time for our dinner. So he can realize that I'm not going to show to dinner because something is so terribly wrong here.

I prayed that time moved a little faster as I felt King's hands begin to wander. I moved away from him, but moving away from King meant moving in closer to Sam. He started to do the same things, running his hands across my body despite my verbal and physical "no's", begging them to stop and grabbing their hands to get them off of me.

The panic really set in when they shared a look and both took one of my hands. King had my right, Sam on the left, and moved themselves over top of my arms so I was no longer able to fight them off. They began to pounce once more, and I felt tears fill my eyes.

I'm so sorry, Herc. Please hurry up. Please save me. I thought to myself, praying and praying that he would knock at the door.

And just like that, just as King undid the button to my pants, there was a knock.

a/n: short chapter i'm sorryyy

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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