chapter 13

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trigger warning: rape

for those of you who don't want to read that, I'll put lines like this - - - when it starts and when it ends

- Lafayette -

I've learned a couple of things about this King guy.

1. He has a weird obsession with America. I love America too, but not as much as he does. It's a bit creepy, to be completely honest.

2. He sings a lot. Usually very off key and loud, but I'm afraid that if I say anything, he'll hurt me. He does a lot of really terrible impressions of British bands and such.

3. He has a very specific system with this whole kidnapping thing. Let me explain a bit more.

I can't really tell what exactly he wants me for. Before, it seemed like he wanted me just so he could touch me and things like that, but then he makes me clean and cook and stuff like that.

He threatens me with sexual things though. Like earlier, he told me that if I didn't make him dinner, he would force himself onto me. So I made him dinner.

I haven't really been able to look around the house very much so far, but I know that it's giant. I also don't know how I'd be able to escape unless he was asleep and didn't lock my door from the outside.

After dinner, he made me do more work but thankfully did end up feeding me a little bit. Granted, it was a slice of bread and a glass of water, but I'm lucky I got anything at all.

I didn't like his reason for feeding me though. He claimed that I had to eat so that I 'wouldn't lose any of my curves'.

All of his comments scare me. Usually, they're threats disguised as compliments, and they disgust me.

A bit later, he forced me to sit on his lap while we watched a movie, and I let my mind drift to Hercules.

We were supposed to have a date today. We were going to go to lunch and walk around the park. I was looking forward to it.

I wonder what he thought when he came to pick me up and I wasn't there. Did he call me? Did he think I stood him up? Or did he see the open window, the unlocked door, the chairs and papers and broken glass from my fight to not be kidnapped?

"Hey!" King snapped suddenly, slapping my face.

"What's the matter?" I mumbled in shock, holding my stinging cheek. He shot a look of anger at me.

"The matter is that I've been talking to you for three minutes and you didn't answer or even acknowledge it!" He hissed. I shrunk back into myself, shakily apologizing and reassuring him that it would never happen again.
- - - - - - -
"Oh, you're damn right it won't." He said, a different look filling his eyes. Oh God, I know that look. The way he's been looking at me all day. Luxure as we call it in French. Lust.

He gripped my wrist and dragged me up the stairs, shoving me into a room that I hadn't seen before. It was much bigger than the one I was in and had gray walls, as well as a giant bed with dark red sheets and blankets.

He threw me onto the bed and began to strip his clothes off. I began to protest as he tried to take my dress off.

"Non, please don't do this... please stop. I don't want this, don't touch me please!" I begged, tears filling my eyes and threatening to spill down my cheeks.

But he did it. He didn't stop. He didn't care that I didn't want it. He still touched me.
And there was nothing I could do.

- - - - - - -

The next morning, I woke up feeling disgusting and dirty. I took a shower and scrubbed myself for almost twenty minutes, but still couldn't get the feeling of his hands off my body. I hated it.

I hate how I can't escape. I hate how my whole life has turned around to this horrible mess. I want Hercules. I want my apartment and my normal life. I want to be free and not touched and taken advantage of.

a/n: why are all these updates so sad, oops. I feel so horrible for Laf. Rape is absolutely disgusting, which is why I didn't write a full on rape scene. Hopefully, some of my other updates will be more cheery but sadly today is not the day for happy updates. Which is kinda weird, because I'm in a surprisingly good mood.

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