chapter 5

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- Alex -

I sat underneath the blankets on the couch, shivering in anxiety. Last night after we left Herc's house was not fun. And yet, my nightmare carried on through the night and will continue all day, as if one day of torture wasn't going enough.

Every crack of thunder took me back to the Caribbean. Every strike of lighting brought the memories of trees being struck down onto houses and people. Every drop of rain reminded me of the floods in the streets, the currents pulling me under and back up and under before I could even take a breath. Every storm I panic through makes me think of staring death straight in the eye in those few weeks of living hell.

John came over to me with a cup of tea and a kiss on the cheek, as well as an armful of blankets, which he laid over me.

"I'm proud of you." He said, kissing me once more, very gently on my lips. I melted into the feeling, relishing in the calm for a moment, the eye of the storm if you will, until a soft knock at the door made me jump and begin to panic once more, burying my faces in the blankets. The sound reminded me of the thunder I had been tuning out for the last few moments.

John put his hand on my shoulder for a moment in an attempt to calm me down before walking over to the door of our apartment. He opened it and I peeked up to see Hercules and Lafayette, both holding an assortment of books, movies, games and snacks.

"What're you guys doing here?" I asked softly. The three of them shared a look.

"We wanted to keep you company today since you hate storms. And Laf came so we can all get to know each other more and he was already at my apartment." Herc said, blushing towards the end. I smirked for a moment. Already at his apartment, huh? My amusement was gone when lighting illuminated the dark room. I whimpered to myself and curled tighter into my blankets.

"O-Okay..." I said meekly. John came back over to me and sat next down on the couch, snuggling next to me and putting his arm around my shoulder. Laf and Hercules sat together on the other couch next to us.

"So, we brought a couple books and things,
j'espère que cela vous aidera à vous calmer un peu." Laf said, unknowingly switching to French halfway through his statement. Luckily, I'm fluent. I wonder how he'll react to that.

"Merci, je l'espère aussi. Je déteste ces tempêtes et avoir des distractions peut toujours aider, au moins une petite quantité." I said softly, afraid that if I spoke to loud and something outside happened I would yell or scream.

Lafayette's face lit up and Hercules looked confused.

"You speak French?!" They both exclaimed at the same time. Hercules voice was ridden with confusion and Laf's with excitement. I nodded and looked at John, who just smirked. He was the only one who knew before that whole thing that I'm fluent in French. Now I just have to find someone to do that to for Spanish...

As per usual, my thoughts were cut off by the rain becoming heavier. I buried my face into John's chest and I felt him running his fingers through my hair.

"Hey, why don't we do something? You could put in your earbuds and read one of these books they brought. I'm sure the three of us can figure out something to do for a while. Just so you can drown out the noise and distract yourself." He said. I nodded and lifted my head up as John dug through the pile of books, selecting one I'd never read before but wanted to. The Lin - Manuel Miranda biography. He handed me my earbuds from the table nearby and handed them to me.

"Thank you. I love you so much." I muttered to him, pressing my lips to his. He smiled into the kiss before handing me the book and letting me get lost in my world of music and reading.

After a while, I could no longer hear the thunder. I was so wrapped up in the story of Lin's life. But I could hear snippets of conversation going on between Hercules, Lafayette and John. I accidentally turned my attention to them after a few minutes of only hearing little pieces.

"Yeah, storms aren't exactly the best for him. He gets really anxious and worried but I always try to be here to help him with it." John was saying quietly, clearly trying to make sure I couldn't hear him.

"Aw, that is so sweet. How long have you two been together?" I heard Laf ask. John smiled at the question.

"Since we were 18. So, a little over 3 years now. And nothing has changed, I still love him as much, if not more, than I used to." John explained. I smiled slightly and tried not to blush. He's so amazing. I went back to my book for a few minutes but eventually set it to the side when the lightning flashed through the windows and I couldn't take it any longer.

I heard an odd strangled noise escape my throat in fear and suddenly, all three pairs of eyes were on my. Lafayette and Hercules shared an odd look and then walked over to the couch John and I were on.

All three of them wrapped their arms around me. I let the warmth of my boyfriend and friends calm me down. Everytime I would get scared, Laf would whisper things in French.

As I doze off, Laf and Herc got up, quietly saying goodbye to John and telling him to give me their regards when I woke up. As they left, I opened my eyes just long enough to see Hercules press a kiss to Laf's cheek and take his hand as they walked out the door.

My last thought before falling asleep was, they're a damn cute couple if you ask me.

a/n: it can't be a hamilton fic without the storm chapter™️. I tried to change it up so it fits with the Mullette part of the story but I wanted to include it bc I love storm chapters (no matter how overwritten they may be) and Lams is adorableeeee. I'm actually writing this during a thunderstorm so I've got some pretty good inspo. Yet, unlike Alex, thunderstorms actually help calm me down a little bit. I love the sound of rain and the lightning is so cool to me. Anyone else?

Anyways, just wanted to say that I will be updating this book more frequently starting soon. I update my Hamliza and Lams stories often so this one (and my Jeggy one) should get just as much love.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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