Chapter 11 - One

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"Regulus Punch!"

"Thorn Wall!"

Lucy watched as the thorns formed in front of Mard as Loke's fist slammed into it. He pulled back shaking his hand, but caused zero damage to the vines. She noted how the vines and Mard's power were forming quicker and stronger with each passing day. They had now been at this for two months and she began to worry. He's so strong and getting stronger, I won't be able to spar with him anymore.

"Damn your thorns!" He cried as he shook his hand, little drops of gold coming from the wounds.

The wall came down and Mard smirked. "Aww, little lion hurt his paw."

Loke roared and went flying back at him. It was a series of blows and kicks as the two went at it in hand to hand combat. Her eyes had a hard time tracking their speed. Deciding that Mard needed more of a challenge she summoned Sagittarius into the fray and changed into her accompanying Star Dress.

"Volley of arrows, centered near Mard, let's make him dance." She said.

"Moshi Moshi." And together they drew back on their bows, quickly firing at the raging battle.

Mard didn't blink didn't skip a step and avoided all of them. She watched Mard drop low, "Thorn Cage!"

It took a fraction of a second but vines shot up from the ground, creating multiple cages. She found herself in one, the thorns close to her. If she moved she'd be cut.

"Enough! Thank you, Sagittarius and Loke. Return home now." Lucy said. The archer left but Loke stayed, he looked angry.


"Release her cage." He snarled, his focus solely on the former demon. Mard waved his hand and Lucy watched as the vines withered and vanished.

"Thank you. Loke please go home and tend to your hand." Lucy said as she dropped her Star Dress form and walked towards the battlefield. Loke gave her a quick nod, shot a glare at Mard and vanished.

Mard wiped his brow as she walked towards him. "How am I doing my Rosebud?"

He started calling her that a week ago and she thought it was the sweetest nickname. Considering his affinity for roses, it felt like a compliment each time he said it.

"I've never seen anything like that. You've adapted impressively. At this rate you could go S-Class for the trials in a few months."

"What trials?" He asked as he put his arms around her, placing a gentle kiss on her nose. She wrinkled it a bit.

"S-Class it's how we define the strongest mages in the guild. I'm not ready for them." Lucy said with a sigh as she nibbled her lip. Probably never be ready, I'm always so weak.

"You've got that, 'I'm feeling inadequate' look to you again. With everything I've seen, I don't understand why you feel that way." Mard put his arm around her as they walked towards the house. He smelt like sweat and dirt under his coffee and roses. She didn't mind, if anything Lucy thought it was sexy seeing him like this.

"We should go to the guild and you can challenge a real S-class, then you'll understand."

"Do you think it's wise?" Mard opened the door for her and lead her inside. They paused to remove their shoes before heading to the kitchen for water.

"It's been two months, I miss my nakama. Also, you're a member, you should go and meet everyone..."

"Everyone I tried to kill you mean." He poured them two glasses of water and Lucy took hers with a small smile.

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