Chapter 43 - Rosebud what are you...

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"Everything is set to go." Laxus said as he looked at the leather clad guy in front of him. Corvus he thought his name was but all he knew was that the guy could plane shift and didn't drain on Lucy's magic. Double fucking win right there.

When Laxus woke up in the infirmary it was Freed that gave him the whole story. Here was a guy that stole the woman he thought was his mate, yet fought a war just to save him. That takes a certain strength that Laxus had never met before and he respected the fuck out of it.

Sure it was the same guy who tried to destroy magic and was a Zeref tool, but to do all of that just to heal him... fuck no words.

Then Freed told him that Mard was ancestral family, that really made things different. Also Lucy was just glowing when he saw her again. Laxus couldn't compete with someone and a baby that made her glow.

Above all else there was Cana. He had written her off as a boozy bitch but the way she talked about Lucy was amazing. Cana had real heart, real soul and real fucking everything. He appreciated her on a new level and a level his dragon agreed with.

So here he was waiting for the party bus to show up with Bickslow and Freed, they were excited to be here. It amazed him just how quickly people rallied to Mard Geer's side. Yet he got it, Lucy could bring out the best out of everyone. Fuck, he bet Zeref would turn into a nice guy around her.

"You have everything set up?" Bickslow asked and Laxus nodded.

"Party bus, poker game and mud wrestling. Cobra is a fucking asshole to work with. Natsu approved the whole thing." Laxus said, it was a surprise that Natsu of all people was the best man. Maybe he'd ask about that later.

"Gray is mine, be right back." The spirit said and blinked away.

Freed let out a chuckle, "that spirit..."

Within a heartbeat Cobra, Gray, Natsu, spirit guy and a blindfolded Mard were by his side.

"What the hell are you people doing?" Mard asked. "I have diplomatic envoys coming in tomorrow. Not to mention several other things on my to do list."

"Yo, Munchkin. Chill da fuck out. Deleo's got it, we'll be back later." Cobra said and Laxus shrugged. He had no fucking clue what was going on.

The party bus pulled up and Laxus could hear the techno music already blaring. Natsu walked over to the driver and handed him a wad of Jewels. They chatted for a minute before the doors opened. Cobra grabbed one arm and Laxus the other, they lifted the pissed off demon king into the bus.

Taking off his blindfold all the guys shouted "surprise!"

Mard face palmed, "bachelor party." He started laughing, "you idiots could have said something."

"What ruin the surprise?" Asked Gray with a shrug. The spirit guy, Corvus grabbed Gray's arm and pulled him to the seats in the back.

The two topless strippers came over and pulled on Mard's arms putting his ass in the seat of honor. Laxus grabbed a bottle of whiskey and took a swig. Damn, the strippers were hotter than he thought and the booze selection was good. Grabbing a couple cigars he took a seat near the 'party boy'.

Sparking one, he handed it to Mard as one of the strippers got comfortable in his lap. Though Laxus noted that Mard looked a bit uneasy. Figured it was just nerves or something. So not thinking much he grabbed the dude's massive pony tail and dumped a bunch of whiskey into him.

Mard coughed and some of the alcohol spilled out of his mouth. The stripper wasted no time in licking it off of his neck. The demon slid a sideways glance at Laxus.

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