Chapter 42 - Party Planners

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Natsu was bored, well not really bored. Mard kept everyone busy with different tasks and helping to rebuild a kingdom wasn't easy. Not that Natsu ever truly planned on having his own kingdom but who knows.

The fire slayer also realized that in two weeks his best friend was getting married. He was also the best man and he had a sacred task at hand. Though how the hell he was going to do it was beyond him.

"Hey icicle slut, bring the asshole with you and meet me in my room." Natsu said to Gray as he passed him in the hallway. Mard wasn't with them tonight because he had some kind of diplomatic thingy. It actually was perfect.

"Fuck off flame brain." Gray shot back while flipping him the middle finger.

"Seriously, ice bitch." Natsu said as he glared at his friend and rival.

"Tch." The ice mage kept walking and Natsu meant that he'd grab Cobra for him.

Taking a seat on the bed, Natsu waited. Patience wasn't one of his known traits, in exactly thirty seconds he was bored. Half growling to himself Cobra barged into the room.

"What you want flamey?" Asked Cobra.

"Bachelor party. We have two weeks before they get married." Natsu said with a grin on his face. It didn't take long before Gray let out a sly smile and Cobra rubbed his hands together.

"How the fuck do we get Mard away for a night?" Gray asked and leave it to him to be the person making sense.

"Deleo, as head of the King's Guard he can assume the Warlord role while both King and Warlord are away on business." Cobra said and Natsu blinked before tilting his head to the side. He was shocked, Cobra said something smart.

The poisoned asshole shrugged, "hey bitches, while they are away on honeymoon who da fuck do you think is running this joint?"

"Seriously? You like it here?" Gray asked and Natsu was just as curious.

"Got not much going on in Earth Land, besides the poison here is better and I like Munchkin." That shocked Natsu more than Laxus's lightning. Cobra, liked something and someone who wasn't Lucy?

"You also get to kill things." Natsu added.

"Bingo, think we have a winner."

"You are fucking psychotic." Gray said as Natsu threw his pants back at him.

"Duh, have you met me?" He asked and Natsu couldn't help but laugh.

"You sound like Mard." The fire slayer pointed out.

"Cause we besties." He said and Natsu rolled his eyes. Still floored him how quickly those two bonded. Actually how well Mard seemed to bond with most people. Yet, he shouldn't have been surprised he knew it was because of Luce.

"Okay, so bachelor party." Cobra clapped his hands. "How do we get Munchkin out of here for a night?"

"Corvus." The ice make mage said with a click of his tongue.

"Corvus will tell Luce about it." Natsu added. Corvus was another interesting addition to his life. The raven spirit was trippy and he loved Luce on the same kind of level Natsu does.

"Got ya covered. I'll keep his lips in line." Gray said with a wink and Natsu's mouth fell open.

Cobra's eye went wide, "you and Chickadee? What da fuck?"

Gray shrugged, "it just happened."

"Juvia is going to flip out." Cobra had a slow smile on his face, "cage match."

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