Chapter 14 - Cana Saves the Day

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Three days, it had been three days since the guild incident and his Rosebud was still not home. Mard wanted to punch a wall or go hunt her down or just do something. He missed her, all of her.

He laid here in bed after successfully destroying the alarm clock, staring at the ceiling. A little voice inside of his head telling him to get out of bed. Mard wanted to find the dismiss button on that voice. So, he rolled over and pulled the pillow over his head. Sadly, the little voice refused to go away.

It had most likely happened, Mard Geer has lost his mind.

After some ungodly amount of time he gave up and sat up in the bed. Glancing around his room he noticed something on his nightstand. A cup of coffee. He blinked, grabbed it and inhaled the fragrance.

She's home!

Mard put the precious down on the nightstand before hauling ass out of bed. He slipped on the floor, and crashed right into Lucy, sending them tumbling down in a mess of limbs.

Blinking several times, he looked down at her. They landed in the same position as the first time he met her after becoming human. Only this time around her got to kiss her.

"I"-kiss- "missed"-kiss- "you"-kiss- "I'm"-kiss- "sorry." He showered her in kisses as Lucy laughed.

"Ugh, brush your teeth." She said.

"No, not till after I'm done kissing you." Mard kept placing kisses all over her face and neck. Finally, he stopped, sitting up he pulled her into his lap and hugged her.

"I think someone missed me." She shifted a bit in his lap.

"I did as well," Mard grinned as Lucy rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on it can't all be about my dick."

"You're male, isn't that how it works?"

He hung his head and laughed. "Fine, you win. I'll go brush my teeth." Mard stole one more kiss and with a smile he went to go clean up.

"Mard?" He stopped in his tracks and looked at her. Lucy walked to him and put her finger into his chest, she looked more demon than he ever did. Which was saying something. "Don't you ever pull that kind of trolling again." She went back to smiling before she kissed him. "I do forgive you."

"Thank you."

It was probably the fastest shower of his life, despite dealing with his hair. After he got dressed some kind of weird bougie freak of a hairdresser showed up in his room. He leered at the scissors in its claw or was that a hand?

"Ebi said you'll need help with your hair."

"Who are you?"

"Cancer." The spirit said with a strange expression to his face. Like a cross between hipster and bad hipster.

"Oh, you do Lucy's hair. Okay, I style it in a ponytail with bangs and few front pieces around my face. If you must trim no more than an eighth of an inch and if you see a split end. It's very thick and tends to need a little extra oil along the ends because it's slightly dry."

The spirit blinked at him, he looked surprised.

"Some of us take our hair seriously. Though I'll respect your expertise." Mard sat down and let the awkward spirit do his thing.

After a few minutes, Mard examined his finished hair style. He had to admit Cancer did some nice work, whatever he used for a spray oil left a nice sheen. "Thank you, this is very nice."

"You're welcome." The spirit left and Mard went to go seek out his little Rosebud.

He heard a shriek and ran into the living room. Lucy was jumping up and down while on a communication lacrima. The thing rang so infrequently he forgot they had it.

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